DHバーを付ける時、変える時に考えること【メーカーNEWS】プロファイルデザイン 多彩なポジションを実現するWING20C+ / ERGO / 35SLC

プロファイルのテーマは「MAXIMUM ADJUSTMENT」だ。宮古島も控え、あらためてDHポジションを考えなければいけない。









前述ではもの選びであり、「DHバー内のフィッティング」と言い換えることもできるだろう。次はその DHバーとバイクを合わせなければいけない。順番で言えば本来はこちらが先だ。バイク全体のフィッティングにDHポジションをどのように合わせるのか、その具現化が可能となる「もの選び」が必要になるということなのだ。










WING20C+ ベースバーは強度と剛性だけでなく、エアロダイナミクスも最適化されています。 バーを裏返すと、ハンドグリップとエアロバーの高さが20mm 変化します。 この汎用性の高いカーボンベースバーとエルゴアームレストを組み合わせることで、フィッティングのための大きな調整幅が生まれます。 SLC カーボンエクステンションは、前世代と同様の人間工学的なオプションを提供しながら、重量を半分に減らしています。




オプションの「AEROPORT ADAPTER」を使用する事によりDi2 バーエンドジャンクションとバッテリーをすっきり内蔵する事が可能です。「WING20C+/ERGO/35SLC」 は、オプションのライザーキットを使用する事によりエクステンションとアームレストを最大84mm 高く設置する事も可能です。


WING 20C+/ERGO/35 SLC(エアロバーセット)

ベースバー素材:カーボンベースバー幅:420mm(C-C)アームレストオフセット:-92.5mm~-10mm(7.5mm刻み)アームレスト幅:124mm~254mm(18.5mm刻み)アームレストスタック:64mm~84mmエクステンション長さ:400mmエクステンション角度:35° (SLC35エクステンション)合計重量:707g





BOSS-N1-STriathlon “ MONO ” Journalist   Nobutaka Otsuka

【メーカーNEWS】ワイズロード スポーツバイクデモ 2023 in 東京

60 ブランドが集まるスポーツ自転車の大規模展示・試乗会 「ワイズロード スポーツバイクデモ 2023 in 東京」 2023年1月21日(土)開催


株式会社ワイ・インターナショナル(本社:東京都豊島区東池袋 1-27-8、代表取締役社長:鳥居 恵一郎)は、2023 年 1 月 21 日(土)一般の方を対象としたスポーツ自転車の大規模展示・試乗 会「ワイズロード スポーツバイクデモ 2023 in 東京」を味の素スタジアム「あじペン広場」にて 開催いたします。本日より「ワイズロードオンライン」にて、入場申込の受付を開始いたしまし た。

「ワイズロード スポーツバイクデモ」は、これまで埼玉、大阪、松山で計 20 回開催してきたワ イズロード主催の最新スポーツバイクの展示・試乗会です。

今回は、東京初開催となり都心からのアクセスも良い、味の素スタジアム「あじペン広場」を会 場に、スポーツ自転車やパーツ、ウェアなどの 60 ブランドを揃えた展示・試乗会です。さらに各 種講習会やトークショーなどのイベントを開催するほか、一部ブースでは成約特典、試乗特典で数 量限定のノベルティの配布や、会場限定のアウトレット品の販売も予定しています。


【ワイズロード スポーツバイクデモ 2023 in 東京 開催概要】

  • 開催日時:2023 年 1 月 21 日(土)9:00~16:00
  • 会場:味の素スタジアム「あじペン広場」(東京都調布市西町 376-3)
  • アクセス:京王線「飛田給」駅より徒歩 5 分、西武多摩川線「多磨」駅より徒歩 20 分※ご来場には公共交通機関をご利用ください。
  • 料 金:入場無料  ※下記サイトからのアンケート回答による事前申し込みが必要です。
  • U R L:https://online.ysroad.co.jp/shop/pages/sportsbike-demo.aspx
  • 主催:スポーツバイクデモ実行委員会


【ワイズロード スポーツバイクデモ 2023 in 東京 見どころ】

■最新スポーツ自転車約 200 台を試乗できる!

試乗車はロードバイクを中心に様々なジャンルを 200 台以上ご用意し、1 周 920m の走りやすい スムーズなアスファルト路面の試乗コースでしっかりお試しいただけます。初めてスポーツ自転車 を選ばれる方は、ブランド担当者に直接質問することもでき安心して試乗することができます。

【試乗コース動画】 https://youtu.be/NlSsx-2CIW4


走りを変えるカスタムパーツとして人気の高いホイールも、試乗車にセットしてコース上で試乗す ることができます。コストパフォーマンスに優れたモデルから、憧れのハイエンドモデル、そして カスタムベアリング搭載モデルまでお試しいただけます。

  • ※一部試乗車はホイール変更不可、一部ホイールは展示のみです。
  • ※お客様ご自身の自転車の持ち込み不可となります。


自転車やホイールだけでなく、話題の最新コンポーネント「シマノ電動 105」をはじめとするパー ツ・用品の展示や、Zwift 等のアプリと繋いで自宅でリアルなサイクリングが楽しめる「スマート トレーナー」の体験試乗、最新 23 年モデルの「春夏ウェア」の展示、旧モデルウェアの「アウト レット販売」など、すでに自転車をお持ちの方も楽しめるブースも多数出展します。


会場では試乗と展示だけでなく、各種講習会やトークショーなどのイベントを開催するほか、一部 ブースでは試乗特典として数量限定のノベルティの配布も予定しています。ブース巡りを楽しみま しょう!


唐揚げランチ、インドカレー、ホットドッグ、クレープ、カフェなど、ランチからスイーツまでグ ルメも充実。試乗とブース巡りで疲れたら、キッチンカーでお腹を満たしましょう。 ※キッチンカーの提供メニューは変更の可能性があります。


当日ご来場のお客様には、ワイズロードの店舗とオンラインで使えるバイクデモ開催記念のご成約 特典をご用意します。試乗して気に入った自転車をワイズロードオンラインからその場でお得にご 注文いただけます。 当日ご注文いただけなくても、期間内であれば店舗やオンラインで特典をご 利用いただけます。




株式会社アキボウ、新家工業株式会社、株式会社インターテック、株式会社ウエイブワン、株式会 社ウベックススポーツジャパン、株式会社エイアンドエフ、MVCJapan 株式会社、株式会社オージ ーケーカブト、株式会社カワシマサクルサプライ、株式会社キャットアイ、キャノンデール・ジャ パン株式会社、株式会社クランノート、グローブライド株式会社、有限会社サイクルクリエーショ ン、サイクルヨーロッパジャパン株式会社、株式会社 CDJ ホールディングス、株式会社ジェイテ クト、ジェイミスジャパン株式会社、シマノセールス株式会社、シュアラスター株式会社、株式会 社スコットジャパン、株式会社ツインズ、トレック・ジャパン株式会社、日本コンピュータ・ダイ ナミクス株式会社、株式会社パールイズミ、服部産業株式会社、パナソニックサイクルテック株式 会社、株式会社ピーアールインターナショナル、株式会社フタバ、ブリヂストンサイクル株式会 社、Brompton Japan 株式会社、株式会社 BESV JAPAN、ホダカ株式会社、マヴィックジャパン 株式会社、ミズタニ自転車株式会社、株式会社 Many’S、メリダジャパン株式会社、ヤマハ発動機 販売株式会社、ライトウェイプロダクツジャパン株式会社










“ Voice of IRONMAN ” ことマイク・ライリーが最後のレースを終えた。


「当たり前」だったライリーの「You are an IRONMAN」を聞くことはできなくなったのだ。メディアスタンドにいれば何度も何度も聞かされる「名台詞」は、文字通りの言葉の意味とともにアイアンマンの「称号」を得たことに対する祝福の気持ちが込められている。


「You are an IRONMAN」。





– After calling approximately half a million athletes across the finish line, the “Voice of IRONMAN” retires following a career of 33 years and 214 IRONMAN events – Giving back to the IRONMAN community, Reilly and The IRONMAN Foundation auctioning autographed rally towel used by Reilly at IRONMAN finish lines throughout 2022 and finish line tapes from 2022 IRONMAN World Championship events signed by male and female champions – Auction now open through December 16, 2022 by visiting, www.ironmanfoundation.org   Photo by: Cameron Mackenzie


[YouTube] Mike Reilly’s Final Event / Interviews   Credit: IRONMAN®

TAUPŌ, New Zealand / TAMPA, Fla. (Dec.12, 2022) –The IRONMAN community has bid an emotional farewell to Mike Reilly, the most famous voice in the sport of triathlon, after a storied career spanning 33 years, 33 IRONMAN World Championship events, and a total of 214 IRONMAN events all over the world. Throughout his career, Reilly’s iconic call of ‘You are an IRONMAN!’ welcomed nearly half a million IRONMAN athletes across the finish line. Acknowledging his importance not only to IRONMAN but also the endurance industry as a whole, Reilly was inducted into the IRONMAN Hall of Fame in 2011, Running USA Hall of Champions in 2017 and USA Triathlon Hall of Fame in 2018.

Photo by: Cameron Mackenzie

Reilly, known as the “Voice of IRONMAN”, officially hung up his microphone on Saturday, December 10 as the clock struck midnight at the 2022 Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand triathlon, calling his now iconic four words, ‘You are an IRONMAN!’ to last finisher Ron Skelton, to the cheers of the hundreds of spectators who stayed up late to be at the finish line to witness the celebration. Skelton was a last finisher befitting of Reilly’s last call, with the 63-year-old himself completing his 35thIRONMAN New Zealand in 16:52:52, just under the 17-hour cut off. After the 17-hour cut off rolled over on the stroke of midnight, it was time for Reilly to officially call time on his incredible career. Minutes later, Snow Rameka from Māori iwi Tūwharetoa presented Reilly with a special pounamu and iwi members performed a haka in the finish chute as a final show of respect, thanks, and farewell to the man who has given so much to the endurance industry.

Photo by: Cameron Mackenzie

IRONMAN New Zealand was the first IRONMAN outside of the United States that Reilly announced, and it is an event he says is one of his favourites in the world. “I couldn’t have written the script any better, the passion and the knowledge of New Zealand for IRONMAN, and the love for it, no other place in the world I think displays that as much as this place, so that’s why I wanted to be here,” said Reilly. Reilly is stepping away from his announcing career to spend more time with his family. Though he knows his decision is the right one, he says he’s going to miss being at finish lines sharing the camaraderie with his second family; the IRONMAN athletes, supporters, volunteers, and everyone else associated with these events. “I feel elated, I feel loved, I feel passion and I feel I gave it everything I had for 33 years for the athletes because that’s what it’s all about. I feel it’s time, it’s definitely time, because I wanted to make sure that every time I called someone an IRONMAN it was like the first one, and tonight proved that to me,” he said. Throughout his last day on the mic, Reilly spoke about what’s kept him going for so many years and why he loves the sport as much today as he did 33 years ago, the people and the challenges they have overcome to make it to an IRONMAN start line. “I want to say that I’ve seen it right before my very eyes at finish lines all over the world, that truly ‘Anything is Possible,’ it’s not just three words. People have overcome so much to get to an IRONMAN start line and an IRONMAN finish line, and what I say to you, if you think you can, you will. Do it and watch how your life will change for the rest of your life. I can’t wait to see you do it from afar.” Reilly will always be known as the ‘Voice of IRONMAN’ and for the four words every athlete in the world now hears when they cross an IRONMAN finish line – whether it’s their first time, or in the case of 2022 IRONMAN New Zealand last finisher Ron Skelton, 35 times. “Mike Reilly is a legend, it’s so cool to have him here,” said Skelton. “Awesome, totally awesome, fulfilment, achievement, I’ve knocked this thing off as they would say. There were lots of people at the finish this year, bit louder, this is the latest finish I’ve ever had – five minutes to spare. I’m getting older and it just hurts more but it’s still just as good.” Athletes from across New Zealand and all over the world flocked to Taupō to be a part of Reilly’s last call. Wendy Parker flew from Victoria, Australia so she could be called home by Reilly one last time. “It’s what I came over here for, when I found out this was his last race it was on my bucket list to do that, it’s pretty special. To be honest that’s why I came over here. The weather wasn’t in the brochure but I’m so excited, so, so excited, I’ve ticked that off now,” said Parker.

Photo by: Cameron Mackenzie

In celebration of his career and to give back to the IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 race communities Reilly, along with The IRONMAN Foundation which Reilly serves as an IRONMAN Foundation Captain, is auctioning one-of-a-kind IRONMAN collectibles to benefit race communities around the globe. The auction will showcase a rally towel used by Reilly during his final season as the “Voice of IRONMAN” before his retirement, as well as official finish line tapes from the 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship and Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission autographed by the top professional men and women finishers. In the mid-90s, Reilly started waving a rally towel at the IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i to energize the crowd as much as possible. “The louder I make it for each finisher in the final hours of their race day, the better,” said Reilly. The rally towel up for auction has been used by Mike Reilly at nearly all of the IRONMAN races he has called for the past ten years; it has “Anything is Possible” inscribed on the front, embroidered with Mike Reilly’s signature and will be placed in a shadow box display provided by Fond Memories Graphics. Bidding on these items is open now through 11:59 p.m. ET on December 16, 202 by visiting www.ironmanfoundation.org. “I’ve been fortunate to be a part of The IRONMAN Foundation as its Ambassador Captain for the last six years,” shared Mike Reilly. “One of the only regrets I have in my career is not getting involved with The IRONMAN Foundation sooner. I’m excited to get to give back to all the amazing IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 race communities around the world that have welcomed me with open arms, by gifting this special rally towel to The IRONMAN Foundation to raise money for the important work they do.” For more information on Mike Reilly, visit www.mikereilly.net.For more information on Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand visit www.ironman.com/im-new-zealand. For more information on the auction and The IRONMAN Foundation, visit www.ironmanfoundation.org. For more information on IRONMAN and events in The IRONMAN Group portfolio, visit www.ironman.com.





BOSS-N1-STriathlon “ MONO ” Journalist   Nobutaka Otsuka








– IRONMAN reaffirms commitment to providing women a dedicated day of racing after historic two-day 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship – Women’s field to race in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i and men’s field race location being evaluated and expected to be announced in January 2023; Women’s and Men’s race locations to flip for 2024

TAMPA, Fla. (Nov. 30, 2022) – Following the first-ever two-day IRONMAN World Championship and a continued commitment to providing women and men their own dedicated day of racing, IRONMAN announced today that the 2023 VinFast IRONMAN® World Championship triathlon will move forward with two different host venues. To ensure that both professional and amateur women and men have a focused IRONMAN World Championship race experience, the women will race in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i on October 14, 2023, with the men’s race date and location outside of Hawai`i currently being evaluated and expected to be announced in January 2023. For 2024, the men and women would exchange locations.The 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship was held this past October in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i over two days for the first time in the history of the event, showcasing the very best women and men in the sport while giving both their deserved spotlight. With the future dual host locations and separation of race weeks, the women’s and men’s races will each garner further attention with all eyes focused on the race week activities and lead up to their respective IRONMAN World Championship race days.While the 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship two-day format was a success in many areas and the two-day format in Kailua-Kona for 2023 had already been announced, IRONMAN and the County of Hawai’i concluded together that the impact of two days of racing in Kona is not currently in the best interest of the local community. “We are reinforcing our commitment for a dedicated world championship race experience for women and men to each receive an exclusive spotlight on their race. Hawai`i is in our DNA and we look forward to the first-ever exclusively women’s world championship race week in Kona. At the same time, we are looking forward to announcing a co-host location for the men’s race that will be worthy of an IRONMAN World Championship and will capture the imagination of our athletes and fans,” said Andrew Messick, President & Chief Executive Officer for The IRONMAN Group. Hawai`i is the proud birthplace of IRONMAN and despite not being able to undertake a two-day world championship event at this time, it will continue to be an important part in the shared history of IRONMAN, with Kona continuing as a co-host of the IRONMAN World Championship. “Hawai`i County has long enjoyed partnering with IRONMAN and this year’s epic races were another example of world-class athletic competition held on the traditional Kona-Kohala world championship course,” said Hawai`i County Mayor Mitch Roth. We learned, however, that more than one race day during IRONMAN week is too many for the community to manage. We are pleased that IRONMAN plans to return to Kailua-Kona as a co-host of the 2023 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship and look forward to more exciting events in the future.”With this major move to ensure dedicated IRONMAN World Championship racing for both women’s and men’s fields, the qualifying cycle and slot allocations will be slightly adjusted. Allocations may be viewed here, www.ironman.com/im-world-championship-2023-slot with further adjustments to occur in line with the Men’s Championship race location announcement, expected to occur in January. Additionally, all athletes who have previously qualified and registered for the 2023 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship will be contacted directly with additional information. Additional notes on women’s IRONMAN historyIRONMAN has a long and rich history of women influencing the brand and the sport of triathlon since its very first days being co-founded in 1978 by husband and wife duo, John and Judy Collins. In just its second year, the Hawaiian IRONMAN triathlon saw Lyn Lemaire tackle the exact same distances and standards as the men finishing fifth overall of 15 starters, at a time when not even the Olympics allowed women to compete in long distance events. Since then, impactful moments, athletes, and leaders like Valerie Silk, Julie Moss, Paula Newby-Fraser, and a host of others have showcased what women could achieve leading the way for future generations. Encouraging continued growth of females in the sport saw the introduction of equal pro prize money since it was first introduced by IRONMAN in 1986, making triathlon one of the very first adopters of equality in sports pay. In the years that have followed, the influence and importance of women in the sport has continued to grow and it is with this in mind, that the pinnacle IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship events offer opportunity for a separate and fully dedicated race day and experience. More information on the important part women have played in IRONMAN’s history can be found at www.ironman.com/women-of-ironman.For more information about the IRONMAN World Championship, please visit www.ironman.com/im-world-championship. For more information on the IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 brands and global event series, visit www.ironman.com.

【メーカーNEWS】スペシャライズド Roval 購入後2年間事故による破損でもホイール本体無償交換サービス









Rovalホイール二年間破損時無償交換プログラム 購入後2年以内に、乗車中に対象ホイールを破損させてしまった場合、通常の保証対象外の破損であってもホイール本体を無償にて交換いたします。



  • Roval Rapide CLX II/ CL II
  • Alpinist CLX II/ CL II
  • Terra CL


最速から最強へ進化したRAPIDEおよび ALPINISTホイールの性能及び開発ストーリーはこちらhttps://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000064.000009768.html


適用条件及び手順: 1.対象ホイールを購入後、 90日以内にSpecialized.comにてRovalホイール保証登録を実施してください。また、レシート等、購入証明書を保管してください。

2.事故等で破損が発生した際、破損したホイールと一緒に購入証明を最寄りの正規販売店で提示してください。 3.スペシャライズドより代替ホイールが販売店に発送されます。

注意事項: ・意図的に破損させたと判断される場合はプログラムの適用対象となりません。 ・乗車に影響しないホイールの軽微な傷、スポーク・ニップルの破損や、フリーボディ、ベアリングの使用に伴う自然な消耗・摩耗は本プログラムの適用対象外です。 ・交換に際し、破損ホイールをスペシャライズド・ジャパンへ 返送する際の送料はライダー様のご負担 となります。タイヤ着脱、スプロケットやローター等の 交換の作業工賃についても、ライダー様のご負担 となります。 ・破損したホイールはスペシャライズドが回収します。 ・同一製品での交換となります。製品の製造が終了した場合など、交換可能な同一製品がない場合は同グレードの近しい製品との交換となります。 ・セカンドオーナーは対象外です。 ・最初の購入時から二年未満は、複数回の破損にも適用します。購入後2年以上経過した商品の保証対象外の破損については、クラッシュリプレイスメントをご利用ください。 ・本プログラムは日本国内の正規販売店で購入された対象ホイールでのみご利用いただけます。また、本プログラムの利用は日本国内の正規販売店でのみとなります。




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka


MAN OF THE PEOPLE: Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) takes some time to show love to the crowd as he approaches the finish line and a win at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)



ST. GEORGE, Utah (Oct. 29, 2022) – The 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission triathlon once again returns to St. George, Utah, and the Land of Endurance. The two days of racing features nearly 100 professionals and 5,500 age-group athletes on Friday, Oct. 28 as professional and age-group women take the course followed by the professional and age-group men on Saturday, Oct. 29. In all, Greater Zion has hosted three world championship IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 events in the past 13 months showcasing why it is known as the Land of Endurance.Athletes at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission took on a 1.2-mile (1.9km) ROKA Swim Course in the Sand Hollow Reservoir located in Sand Hollow State Park in Hurricane, Utah; a challenging 56-mile (91.3km) FULGAZ Bike Course that treks through stunning desert landscapes with 3,201 feet (1003 meters) of elevation gain and an unforgettable climb into Snow Canyon State Park and surrounding Washington County; and concludes with the two-loop 13.1-mile (21.2km) HOKA Run Course through historic downtown St. George where the finish line is located, with the route also showcasing Dixie Red Hills Golf Course (the first golf course in St. George) on one end and the beautiful Vernon Worthen Park on the other.

THE BIG THREE: Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR), Ben Kanute (USA), and Magnus Ditlev (DNK) cross the finish line as the top three finishers in the men’s race at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Top photo by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN. Bottom photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF: A view from above of the finish line as Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) secures his title at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN
CHEERS!: Ben Kanute (USA), Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR), and Magnus Ditlev (DNK) enjoy a moment of Athletic Brewing fueled celebration atop the podium at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
CALM BEFORE THE STORM: Athletes wait underneath the stunning morning sky at the mouth of the ROKA Swim Course in Sand Hollow Reservoir at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
TAKING THE PLUNGE: Athletes begin their journey as they enter the Sand Hollow Reservoir at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)
A QUICK CHANGE: Every second matters as athletes complete the 1.2-mile ROKA Swim Course and make the transition to the 56-mile FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
IN FORMATION: A view from above showcases the tranquil beauty of the ROKA Swim Course and the legion of bikes awaiting the athletes in transition 1 at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)
UNSTOPPABLE: Rajesh Durbal, crosses the finish line at the Intermounatin Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission with a time of 6:29:16 on Saturday, Oct. 29. Rajesh is a triple amputee, but that hasn’t stopped him from competing in triathlons, traveling the world, and inspiring millions of people. In 2010, he became the first triple-amputee to compete in and finish the IRONMAN World Championship in Kona doing so again in 2011, and last year also completed the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in St. George, and ascended the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro with a group of athletes and para-athletes. His foundation, Live Free, conducts events and seminars which have trained more than 500,000 people in 16 different countries to achieve their full potential and experience life at the highest level possible. He also holds a provisional patent in prosthetic quick-connect components to improve mobility and decrease limitations for amputees. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN) – BOTTOM | (Photo by Donald Miralle) – TOP LEFT | TOP RIGHT
TAKING IT ALL IN: Athletes are surrounded by all the breathtaking natural beauty that is synonymous with St. George and the Greater Zion region as they battle their way through the 56-mile FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photos by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)
RED ROCK RIDING: Riders move along the FULGAZ Bike Course with the red rock landscape of Snow Canyon in the background at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
NO SLOWING DOWN: Athletes navigate the road along the path of the FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
HOWDY PARTNER: One never knows what motivation awaits the athletes as they take on the FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
ACE SETTERS: Ben Kanute (USA) and Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) led the way throughout the HOKA Run Course on their way to the finish line. Blummenfelt eventually took over the lead securing the title at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER: The HOKA Run Course provided athletes with a variety of obstacles as they travel through the Dixie Red Hills Golf Course, along the roads of St. George, and into beautiful Vernon Worthen Park at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Top photo by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN. Bottom photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
FACES OF DETERMINATION: Athletes keep their focus on reaching the finish line as they trek along on the HOKA Run Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)


– Blummenfelt feels at home in St. George where he earns IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship crown after IRONMAN World Championship win in May; Becomes first triathlete to ever win WTS World Title, Olympic Gold Medal, IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, and IRONMAN World Championship – American Ben Kanute finishes in second-place, with Magnus Ditlev (DNK) coming in third, followed by Mika Noodt (DEU) and Frederic Funk (DEU) finishing in forth and fifth-place, respectively Photo by Donald Miralle / IRONMAN








ST. GEORGE, Utah (Oct. 29, 2022) – Adding to his long list of recent achievements, 28-year-old Norwegian Kristian Blummenfelt commanded the race today, coming in first place at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. The 2021 IRONMAN World Champion and Olympic gold medalist held the competition at bay with a 22:53 swim, a 2:01:03 bike, and a 1:11:39 half marathon to break the tape in 3:37:14, just weeks after a third-place finish at the 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship. “My goal was to try to put pressure on Magnus (Ditlev) and Gustav (Iden) early on the bike. I felt strong all the way. On the run I tried to hold back as much as possible before putting it in second gear,” said Blummenfelt. The second day of racing opened with a 1.2-mile swim in Sand Hollow Reservoir, where Aaron Royle (AUS), Marc Dubrick (USA), and Ben Kanute (USA) formed an immediate gap on the main group. An unfortunate wrong turn at one of the buoys by Royle resulted in the chase group catching back onto the leaders, stringing the field out. Near the end of the swim, the lead three put in a surge to form a small break, but it was still a mass of athletes storming into the first transition area together. Saturday’s race in St. George, Utah showcased the men’s professional field, with many top athletes, including Blummenfelt, just three weeks off of the 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship in Hawai`i. In the mix were reigning IRONMAN World Champion Gustav Iden, as well as Blummenfelt and many other IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon specialists. Royle and Dubrick entered transition 1 first, with Kanute shortly behind. Eric Lagerstrom (USA) led a large group 20 seconds behind the leaders, including Miki Taagholt (DEN) and Germany’s Frederick Funk. Pre-race favorite Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) was 30 seconds back, with Gustav Iden (NOR) and Magnus Ditlev (DEN) 45 seconds back. After a lightning-fast transition, the current IRONMAN 70.3 record holder Blummenfelt stormed onto the bike course, taking the lead immediately. Kanute, Taagholt, Ditlev, and Funk worked hard over the opening miles of the bike behind the Norwegian. At the halfway point of the 56-mile bike ride, Blummenfelt was still in command of the race with Funk, Taagholt, Kanute, and Ditlev in line behind him. After the Snow Canyon climb, Ditlev rode himself to the front where he stayed until the end of the bike. With Ditlev into the second transition and Blummenfelt and Funk on his heels, the chase was on. Blummenfelt took off on the first few miles of the run as he had on the bike, commanding the lead. Iden was down five minutes after the bike ride and later dropped out of the race. Kanute surged ahead of the Norwegian at mile 2, taking the lead. Blummenfelt stayed in his shadow, apparently content to let the American lead the pace. Ditlev remained about a minute back, while Taagholt led a group over three minutes in arrears. At mile 10, a calm, confident Blummenfelt decided to make his move, which he later said was reminiscent of his effort at the mixed relay at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The smiling athlete ran to the win, high-fiving the thousands of fans that turned out to watch in St. George, and raising the banner once again, as he has so many times in his illustrious career. Though Kanute was unable to ultimately keep the pace with Blummenfelt, he fought hard, earning his second IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship second place finish. Ditlev ran across the line in third, almost three minutes back, with the German duo of Mika Noodt and Frederick Funk taking fourth and fifth. While pleased with his accomplishments of a WTS World Title, Olympic Gold Medal, IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, and IRONMAN World Championship, Blummenfelt, shared his third-place finish in Hawai`i still leaves him hungry: “You can’t get a revenge in Kona outside of Kona–it’s been on my mind every day for three weeks now. I have to go back there to finish my business.” But redemption was felt by the likes of Ben Kanute, who said at the finish line that the year has been really hard, due to sickness and other setbacks: “I hit a new level of fitness coming into this race. I just went out there and took it. Kristian did all the hard work at the front, I was just super focused trying to stay in the moment, enjoy the day, and enjoy racing. That was the most fun I’ve had out on a race course in a long, long time. To see where I stacked up in the world is what I really wanted, this is more than I could’ve asked for.” In what has been significant performances for the Scandinavians at recent world championship events, Magnus Ditlev shared how important it is for his fellow competitors to push each other. “It is crazy, the times we live in with the Danish and Norwegian [triathletes], it is very positive, inspiring. I can only speak for the Danish but last year Daniel came in third and Miki was forth, so we sort of push each other in a way and not try and root against each other but bring out the best,” said Ditlev. Top five professional men’s results:

1 Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) 22:53 2:01:03 1:11:39 3:37:14
2 Ben Kanute (USA) 22:35 2:01:47 1:11:56 3:38:03
3 Magnus Ditlev (DNK) 23:06 1:59:59 1:14:07 3:39:54
4 Mika Noodt (DEU) 22:51 2:04:15 1:11:44 3:40:53
5 Frederic Funk (DEU) 22:50 2:00:41 1:16:43 3:42:36

A replay of today’s men’s professional competition can be viewed on Outside+. For more information about the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission event, please visit www.ironman.com/im703-world-championship. To learn more about the IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 brands and series of events, please visit www.ironman.com.


ST GEORGE, UTAH – OCTOBER 29: Kristian Blummenfelt of Norway reacts as he finishes in first place during the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship on October 29, 2022 in St George, Utah. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
ST GEORGE, UTAH – OCTOBER 29: Ben Kanute of the United States in second place, Kristian Blummenfelt of Norway in first place, and Magnus Ditlev of Denmark in third place celebrate on the podium after completing the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship on October 29, 2022 in St George, Utah. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)


HER CROWNING MOMENT: A triumph that she had been working towards for her entire life, Taylor Knibb (USA) turned in a phenomenal performance on Friday, Oct. 28 with a time of 4:03:20 to better her third-place finish from a year ago and earn the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title presented by Utah Sports Commission (Photo by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)




ST. GEORGE, Utah (Oct. 28, 2022) – The 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission triathlon once again returns to St. George, Utah, and the Land of Endurance. The two days of racing features nearly 100 professionals and 5,500 age-group athletes on Friday, Oct. 28 as professional and age-group women take the course followed by the professional and age-group men on Saturday, Oct. 29. In all, Greater Zion has hosted three world championship IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 events in the past 13 months showcasing why it is known as the Land of Endurance.Athletes at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission took on a 1.2-mile (1.9km) ROKA Swim Course in the Sand Hollow Reservoir located in Sand Hollow State Park in Hurricane, Utah; a challenging 56-mile (91.3km) FULGAZ Bike Course that treks through stunning desert landscapes with 3,201 feet (1003 meters) of elevation gain and an unforgettable climb into Snow Canyon State Park and surrounding Washington County; and concludes with the two-loop 13.1-mile (21.2km) HOKA Run Course through historic downtown St. George where the finish line is located, with the route also showcasing Dixie Red Hills Golf Course (the first golf course in St. George) on one end and the beautiful Vernon Worthen Park on the other.

ON TOP OF THE WORLD: The top three finishers in the women’s race, Taylor Knibb (USA), Paula Findlay (CAN), and Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR), head down Main Street towards the finish line with the M-Dot Statue in the background at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
PODIUM PARTY: Paula Findlay (CAN), Taylor Knibb (USA), and Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR) celebrate their successes atop the podium at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
FROM LAST TO FIRST: With just over a minute to spare to the cut off, athlete Zeinab Razaie was the final finisher during the women’s day at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, though her finish was one of the most profound as she became the first woman from Afghanistan to ever start or complete the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. Despite her athletic ambitions, she was unable to compete in her home country due to the Taliban’s rules. Razaie completed her first marathon in 2017 and ran a multi-stage ultramarathon across 250 km of the Mongolian Gobi Desert in 2018. Then, in February 2020, she completed the IRONMAN 70.3 Dubai, becoming the first Afghan woman to finish an IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon. In her defying feat today, she shared a message for all those who battle to earn basic life rights. “I did it not for myself but for the women and girls of my country who do not have the basic rights of education, work, travel, or sport,” said Razaie. “Not only was this for the women of my country but for the minorities and all the women across the world who do not have access to their basic rights.” (photo by Donald Miralle / IRONMAN) – LEFT | BOTTOM (photo by Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN) – RIGHT
MIND OVER MATTER: The emotions are different for every athlete as they prepare their mind and body before beginning the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
ND THEY’RE OFF: The swim leg of the women’s pro race gets the morning started at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Top Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN. Bottom Photos by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)
JUST KEEP SWIMMING: Athletes take on the challenge of the 1.2-mile ROKA Swim Course in Sand Hollow Reservoir at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Top and Bottom Right Photos by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN. Bottom Left Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
STUNNING SCENERY: The rough and rugged terrain of St. George and Greater Zion in Utah poses a unique challenge for the athletes as they take on the 56-mile FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
SAND IN THE SUN: The morning sun illuminates the red sand desert where a lone road with bikers follow the winding turns of the FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
VIEWS FROM ABOVE: Riders have views for miles as they cut through the sprawling desert landscape of the FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28 (Photos by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
CANYONEERING: Athletes bike through the iconic but challenging Snow Canyon portion of the FULGAZ Bike Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022 (Photos by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)
WHITE ROCK RUMBLE: Top contenders in the women’s professional race at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission race through Snow Canyon portion of the FULGAZ Bike Course on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
FAIRWAYS AND RED ROCKS: Athletes run through Dixie Red Hills Golf Course and surrounding paths in St. George, Utah the HOKA Run Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022 (Photo by: Patrick McDermott / Getty Images for IRONMAN)
NECK AND NECK AND NECK: Three of the top-five women, Flora Duffy and Lucy Charles-Barclay chase Paula Findlay on the HOKA Run Course at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission race on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022. All three would end up in the Top Five with Findlay finsihing second overall (Photos by: Donald Miralle / IRONMAN)


– As youngest professional racing at 24 years old, Knibb becomes first IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion from USA since 2008 and just second ever – Paula Findlay (CAN) and Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR) finish second and third-place respectively, with 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Lucy Charles and Olympic Gold Medalist Flora Duffy rounding out the Top Five (Photo by: Donald Miralle for IRONMAN)













ST. GEORGE, Utah (Oct. 28, 2022) – In a day that was all about the sport’s top women, Taylor Knibb of the USA overpowered the competition at the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. At just 24 years old, Knibb used a 23:54 swim, a 2:14 bike, and a 1:21 half marathon to better her third-place finish from a year ago to secure her first IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title with an overall time of 4:03:20. After being the youngest women to ever qualify for the US Olympic triathlon team where she earned a silver medal in the mixed relay triathlon in 2021, Knibb now also becomes the youngest female to ever to win the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. The Washington, D.C. native also became the first American woman to win the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship since 2008 when Joanna Zeiger won the crown and just the second American female ever. “I can’t really believe it. I’m just grateful that I could execute a good swim, bike, and run,” said Knibb. “That last 10km was very, very long, I can’t believe I made it.” Reigning IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Lucy Charles-Barclay of Great Britain led the field out on the 1.2-mile swim in Sand Hollow Reservoir with Knibb and Lotte Wilms (NED) trailing shortly behind her. A solid chase group stocked with talent trailed just 20 seconds back, including Olympic gold medalist Flora Duffy (BMU), and former IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Holly Lawrence (GBR), in addition to Ellie Salthouse (AUS), Paula Findlay (CAN) and Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR). The top 10 women all knocked out sub-25-minute swim times, starting the bike with a host of athletes that could take the top spot. Knibb put her mark on the race when she stormed past Lucy Charles-Barclay barely two miles into the bike course. As the miles ticked by, Knibb put more and more time into her three main chasers—Findlay, Charles-Barclay, and Duffy—who took turns trying to break away from the chase group. Off the bike, Knibb’s victory was all but sealed with a lead of over six minutes. She coasted to a win with a rare buffer of over five minutes on the rest of this world-class field that all fought to the end. The trio of Charles-Barclay, Findlay, and Duffy was off the bike almost seven minutes back of Knibb, setting the half marathon up as a battle for positions two through five. Into transition 2, Lawrence was back over two minutes from the chase group. In the early miles of the run, Pallant-Browne, who had the quickest run on the day passed Lawrence for fifth. But it was Findlay who had the legs to break away from the pack and run into a satisfying second place. In the late stages of the run, Pallant-Browne passed Charles-Barclay and Duffy in an impressive fight for third. Only three weeks from her second-place finish at the 2022 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i, Charles-Barclay took fourth, with Duffy rounding out the top five in just her second-ever IRONMAN 70.3 race. “None of my splits were the fastest splits of the day so it came down to consistency across three,” said Findlay. “It was very cold, but I do think that played to my advantage. I never felt too uncomfortable on the bike, I was always in control, and I kept looking at my watts, and they were high but I felt fine so I kept pushing. I started living for the uphill’s where we could warm up a little bit because it was cold on the descents. I felt great on the run, it doesn’t happen often in my career that I feel like the run is smooth and fluid and it happened today so grateful for that.” For Pallant-Browne, it was a good swim and a disappointing bike that propelled her to push on the run. “It was tough. I got on the bike and I was so happy with my swim. I could see the girls around me and for me that was probably the best swim I’ve ever had so I thought this could be an OK day,” said Pallant-Browne. “I think I had no expectations. I just wanted to run fast and if I saw people, great but I was just looking at every aid station and just focusing on each aid station instead. If people came, great, but I knew it wouldn’t be easy overtaking them as everyone is going to go into battle and, yeah, it was really tough.” Top five professional women’s results:

1    Taylor Knibb (USA)  23:54  2:14:41  1:21:50  4:03:20 
2 Paula Findlay (CAN) 25:05 2:20:49 1:20:33 4:08:57
3 Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR) 25:01 2:25:40 1:17:45 4:10:45
4 Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR) 23:50 2:21:50 1:23:02 4:11:24
5 Flora Duffy (BMU) 24:21 2:21:29 1:25:04 4:13:33

A replay of today’s women’s professional competition can be viewed on Outside+. The professional men will take on the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Oct. 29 with live race coverage starting at 7:00 a.m. MT / 9:00 a.m. ET on Outside Watch. For more information about the 2022 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission event, please visit www.ironman.com/im703-world-championship. To learn more about the IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 brands and series of events, please visit www.ironman.com.

ST GEORGE, UTAH – OCTOBER 28: Taylor Knibb of the United States celebrates after finishing in first place during the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship on October 28, 2022 in St George, Utah. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
(Photo by: Donald Miralle for IRONMAN)

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2022 年秋冬新商品 自転車専用設計の防水ウェア 「ウォータープルーフ ジャケット」「レイン パンツ」発売のご案内

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  • 【品番/商品名】 2357 / レイン パンツ
  • 【 カラー 】 1.ブラック
  • 【 価 格 】 16,500円(税込)
  • 【サイズ】 S,M,L,XL(メンズ)
  • 【商品特徴】□ ウエスト紐付き
1. ブラック




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka