【メーカーNEWS】CANYON New Dura-Ace & Mathieu Signature

新型 Shimano Dura-Ace



このコンポーネントを搭載する、マチュー・ファンデルプールシグネチャー Canyon Aeroad CFRのドリームビルドを紹介します。新開発のDura-Aceを搭載したこのバイクは、ロードレースのパフォーマンスを世界最高レベルで実現しています。どうぞ、お楽しみください。
Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

Braden Currie Collins Cup Result & New FELT

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021






そして、Triathlon GERONIMOとして注目となるのは機材だったが、すでにスクープされていたフェルトの新型トライアスロンバイクも投入され、フェルトサポートの選手が使用していた。「異形」の定義からは外れるが、有機的なデザインが異彩を放っている。また、13年のIAデビュー当時にお蔵入りとなった「フューエルシステム」も盛り込んだことは、SHIV、SPEEDMAXとともに今後のトライアスロンバイクの「新定義」となって行くことだろう。


以下、ブレーデンカリーのレポートとなる。Match11で出場、もちろん優勝している。2月のKONAでも大いに期待したい。Congratulations !



Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021


Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

The Collins CupBy Braden CurriePress Release –30thAugust 2021One week ago, I was in New Zealand. The country had just gone into level four lockdown.

Trying to figure out if I could make it over to Europe to race in the face of a New Zealand lockdown, hearing the announcement that Kona had been cancelled a few days before departure and recovering from a UTI, made it feel like a really tough decision to leave. If I could get there, could I get back? And if I could get back, when would that be? That last part is still unknown.

Now, I am in Samorin, Slovakia, two days post-Collins Cup and realise more than ever that no matter what, I had to be here. Especially for this event, the first of its kind, racing in a team against the best in the world and knowing the world is watching -it is pretty amazing!I am lucky to be in this era of the sport. For decades, people had to read race results in the newspaper -but now we have social media, live streaming and organisations like the Professional Triathlete Org (PTO) willing to use these platforms to bring triathlon to the world. I knew my family and friends, many kiwis and tens of thousands of tri fans around the world were watching -I wanted to give everyone something to cheer for and race to win.

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

TheCollins Cup means a lot to this sport moving forward. The impact it is having is incredible.

I am 100% stoked to be here and have had the opportunity to race some of the best athletes in the world as part of Team International. The Collins Cup consists of 36 athletes in total. It is a 12 match contest with three athletes in each (18 women, 18 men). The top six athletes, globally, were chosen to represent each team (Europe, USA, International).

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

Imatched with Patrick Lange and Matt Hanson. Patrick is a two times Kona world champion and I’ve battled with him before (on the run) in my second year at Kona, where I placed fifth. This year, Kona cancelled -so I knew that this race would probably be the closest experience to what couldhave been in Kona. Having the best race in Kona is what I hadbeen training for -it was time to put that to the test.

I went into the swim and fought side by side with Patrick. Mentally, I knew I could get out in front of him and, that is what I did.I hadn’t swum for two weeks before the race because I had a ‘Urinary Tract Infection’ plus, the pool had been closed due to the lockdown so I knew I wouldn’t have the top end power to drop him but, I wanted to come out of the water first.

As it turns out, I had the fastest swim ofthe day!Even against Jan Frodeno -JR’s (John Rogers -my swim coach in Noosa) golden boy (haha). Jan has swum with JR for a good part of his career and, I think Jan would say that JR has made him the swimmer he is today. I couldn’t be more stoked with my swim performance and do JR proud after all the effort and time he has given to meover the last few years.

PTO Collins Cup

Onto the bike, I got into my position and rode consistently. I rode away from both Patrick and Matt and came off the bike first. If I’m honest this is something I never thought I could do at that distance but I’d been working a lot on my ride. Even only a year ago, on an 80km flat time trial, I knew I was never going to be strong in this scenario. I like hills and I like to getout of my seat -that’s how I have learnt to generatepower on the bike in my mountain biking days. But since covid hit the opportunity to focus on my biking, especiallyaerodynamics and producing sustained power in the TTposition has been front of focus.

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

I have had the opportunity to work with Justin Ralph from Cycling New Zealand and refine my position with two rounds of testing indoors and outdoors over the last 9 months. On paper, the changes we have made in my training, combined with a custom bar set up from Dan Barry (First Wheel NZ) has given me the chance to bring my ride up to where it needs to be.

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

Setting off into the run, I didn’t know how much of a gap I had on the others so I went out with my usual 3:05’s out of the gate. Later in the run, I realised I had 4 plusminutes on themand 5 plusminutes by the end of the race.

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

The race was about the team and earning as many points as possible and having as much time on those guys as I could. Team International had a few incredible triumphs: Lionel Sanders and Ellie Salthouse won, Jackson Laundry beat Joe Skippers in the last one or two kilometres. Our triumphs were big but our consistency across the board wasn’t quite there. We took home the broken spokes andTeam Europe took home the Collins Cup for 2021.

Race Day at the PTO Collins Cup 2021 at X Bionic Sphere, Samorin , Slovakia, 28th August 2021

It was cool to race for a team, represent and be part of it. I’m now looking forward to taking a few more days at the X-Bionic Sphere in Samorin -probably the best facility I’ve been to -with ice baths, massage, great food, outdoor pool with great riding and running tracks.

I will head to Roth by train on Thursday to race Challenge Roth -stoked to have had a good warm-up for that. The Collins Cup reminded my body of what it’s supposed to do in life. I’m looking forward to racing again, which will happen on Sunday (NZT).

Braden Currie.




This is my story. As real and raw as it comes. From where I began to where I find myself now, told by the people closest to me.

Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

【メーカーNEWS】革新的なエアロロード CIPOLLINI「RB1K AD.ONE」予約受付開始


革新的なエアロロードバイク CIPOLLINI「RB1K AD.ONE」 本日より予約受付スタート

タイムトライアルモデル「NKTT」から得た AERO 構造を採用

この度、株式会社ワイ・インターナショナル(本社:東京都豊島区東池袋 1-27-8 代表取締役 社長 鳥居 恵一郎)は、当社が日本国内の正規輸入代理店を務めるイタリアのロードレースバイク ブランド「CIPOLLINI(チポッリーニ)」の新モデル「RB1K AD.ONE」について、本日 8 月 27 日(金)より予約受付を開始したことをお知らせいたします。「RB1K AD.ONE」は、全て受注 生産となり、購入の予約は全国のワイズロード直営店舗とワイズロードオンラインにて受付いた します。

「RB1K AD.ONE」は、CIPOLLINI のトップロードバイクモデル「RB1K THE.ONE」をベース に、タイムトライアルモデル「NKTT」で採用している AERO 構造を取り入れた最新のエアロロ ードバイクです。空気抵抗を低減させる高次元の設計に加え、CIPOLLINI 全モデルに共通する安 定したハンドリングと巡行性が特徴です。各サイズに採用したカーボンチューブは、サイズに合 わせてそれぞれ専用設計しており、モノコックフレームでありながら全サイズにおいてバラつき のないフィーリングを追及しています。

また、ブランドとして初めてチタニウム製のスルーアクスルを採用することで、衝撃吸収性や コントロール性能などのバランスに優れた理想的な剛性を実現しました。CIPOLLINI 史上最強と も言えるエアロロードバイクをぜひご体感ください。

【 製品概要 】

製品名:RB1K AD.ONE(アールビーワンケー アドワン)
価格:698,000 円+税 ※フレーム、フロントフォーク、専用シートピラー、チタンスルーアクスル、フレーム小物を含むセット価格

カラー展開:3 色


https://online.ysroad.co.jp/shop/g/g2022000005197/ (フレーム単品)



Carbon/Anthracite/Red shiny
Cobalt blue/Carbon/White shiny




創業: 1898 年(明治 31 年)
本社所在: 東京都豊島区東池袋 1-27-8 池袋原ビル 5F
事業内容: スポーツサイクル・自転車部品・用品の国内販売、オリジナル商品の企画・製造・

販売、スポーツサイクルのメンテナンス・チューンアップ 代表者: 代表取締役社長 鳥居 恵一郎

店舗数: 直営店舗 Y’s Road33 店(埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、愛知県、京都府、 大阪府、兵庫県、愛媛県、広島県、福岡県、オンライン)

HP: https://ysroad.co.jp/ ワイズロードオンライン: https://online.ysroad.co.jp




BOSS-N1-STriathlon “ MONO ” Journalist   Nobutaka Otsuka



– 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN World Championship postponed based on continuing COVID-19-related impact to Island of Hawai`i

TAMPA, Fla. (August 19, 2021) – IRONMAN in conjunction with local Hawai`i officials announced today that due to the continued impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic to the Island of Hawai`i, the 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN® World Championship has been rescheduled from its originally scheduled October 9, 2021 race date to February 5, 2022. Like 1982, we expect that there will be two editions of the IRONMAN World Championship in 2022 (February and October).

“The resurgence of the virus and new Delta strain has had significant impact on the island community of Hawai`i. Combined with substantial border closures and travel restrictions for qualified athletes, there is not a viable pathway in October to host the IRONMAN World Championship,” said Andrew Messick, President & Chief Executive Officer for The IRONMAN Group. “After extensive consultation with governmental and community leaders in Hawai`i, we believe that the best course of action is to delay the event until February of 2022.”

“We have worked closely with local and state Hawai`i officials and other key event stakeholders, and are aligned in the imperative to protect our local community by shifting planning efforts to a February race date,” said Diana Bertsch, Senior Vice President, World Championship Events for The IRONMAN Group. “Our local community, athletes, partners, volunteers, and all other members of our `ohana — who represent our Hawaiian roots and history — feel pride and confidence in this difficult decision. We will work towards welcoming our athletes back to the Island of Hawai`i in February with the racing experience for which the IRONMAN World Championship is famous.”

“We are honored to work alongside the fantastic IRONMAN staff, amid a global pandemic, to reach an equitable solution that ensures our island’s premier sporting event may persist at a later date,” said Hawai`i County Mayor, Mitch Roth. “Since the first race in 1978, the event has become an integral part of our county’s global identity, and we look forward to welcoming the athletes and spectators from around the world to our shores once again when it is safe to do so.”

“The IRONMAN World Championship is an iconic part of our Hawai`i Island community and history.  For over 40 years, our community has supported IRONMAN and cheered on participants from all over the globe.  In return, IRONMAN has continued to support our community during these challenging times.  I am deeply grateful for IRONMAN’s $1,000,000 commitment to feed our residents in need throughout 2020 and 2021 with their Kahiau Together program. As IRONMAN continues to mālama and truly care about our island community, we look forward to welcoming the IRONMAN World Championship back in 2022 with our full support,” said State Senator Dru Mamo Kanuha.

The pandemic has greatly impacted the Hawaiian community not only through deadly cases of COVID, but also significantly hurting the local economy due to limited tourism opportunities. As the impact of the pandemic was felt in our home community where our staff and many volunteers live and work, a targeted initiative, Kahiau Together, was created alongside the IRONMAN Foundation in July 2020 to support locals who were suffering due to food insecurities. By years end, the Kahiau Together initiative will have hosted 25 events locally, serving over 132,000 meals through the distribution of food bundles of locally sourced fresh proteins, fruits, vegetables, and starches. An additional $30,000 in grants from the IRONMAN Foundation has been provided to non-profits feeding their communities. Those needing support can attend one of the following upcoming events:

Wednesday, September 1 – Kamehameha Park
A Meal Fit for a Queen – Celebrating the birth month of Queen Lili`uokalani

Monday, October 4 – Kona International Marketplace
Heroes of Hawai`i

Monday, November 22 – Kona International Marketplace
Thanksgiving Bundles

Monday, December 20 – Kona International Marketplace
Christmas Bundles

IRONMAN Athletes who are registered for the 2021 edition of the IRONMAN World Championship triathlon will be contacted directly. For more information and event details for the IRONMAN World Championship, please visit www.ironman.com/im-world-championship.

There are no material changes in qualifying for professional or age-group athletes for the 2022 IRONMAN World Championship.

Additional information on the Kahiau Together initiative, schedule of events, grant applications, and how to support these efforts, visit www.ironmanfoundation.org/kahiau-together.

For more information on the IRONMAN brand and global event series, visit www.ironman.com.

IRONMAN World Championship
Since its inception in 1978 on the Island of O`ahu, the IRONMAN World Championship has etched its name in history through stellar performances, inspirational participants and emotional memories. In 1981, the race moved from the tranquil shores of Waikīkī to the barren lava fields of Kona on the Island of Hawai`i where it continues to take place to this day. The race now sees over 2,500 athletes embark on a 140.6-mile journey that presents the ultimate test of body, mind and spirit to earn the title of IRONMAN World Champion. The most iconic one-day sporting event in the world is the culmination of 40 global IRONMAN events with over 94,000 athletes around the world striving for one of the coveted qualifying slots. For more information, visit www.ironman.com/im-world-championship.About The IRONMAN Group
The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ (VR™) Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Running™ Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and The Sun-Herald City2Surf®, Ultra-Trail® World Tour events including Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events including Haute Route®, and gravel racing like Gravel Epic®, and other multisport races. The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world. Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit www.ironman.com/about-ironman-group.About Advance 
Advance is a private, family-held business that owns and invests in companies across media, entertainment, technology, communications, education and other promising growth sectors. Our mission is to build the value of our companies over the long-term by fostering growth and innovation. Advance’s portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, Leaders Group, Turnitin, 1010data and Pop. Together these operating companies employ more than 17,000 people in 29 countries. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit. For more information visit www.advance.com.

Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka




– 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission in St. George, Utah shifts to a single-day event on Saturday, September 18 based on continuing COVID-19-related global travel restrictions

– St. George, Utah, United States to host IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in place of New Zealand in 2022 giving international athletes another opportunity to compete among the world’s best in the “Land of Endurance” with a two-day event

– Taupō, New Zealand potential landing spot for future IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship as ability to host global events returns

TAMPA, Fla. (Aug. 17, 2021) – IRONMAN today announced changes to the 2021 and 2022 editions of the IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship based on the continued global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel and border restrictions are expected to prevent as many as half of the athlete field from being able to attend the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission in St. George, Utah. As a result, the race will shift to a single-day event with both men and women racing on Saturday, September 18. Additionally, the 2022 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship that was set to be held in Taupō, New Zealand will also now be held in St. George, Utah, giving the travel-restricted athlete community an opportunity to race in the “Land of Endurance” with a two-day format from October 28-29, 2022.

“We have continued to monitor border and travel restrictions closely, and it is increasingly clear that these restrictions are not likely to be relaxed in time for most international athletes to be able to race in St. George,” said Andrew Messick, President & Chief Executive Officer for The IRONMAN Group. “We have a special host partner in St. George and its surrounding communities, and we are looking forward to being able to host a full international two-day race in 2022.”

“Navigating the twists and turns of a global pandemic has been daunting, but at every turn our community has been able to look around the corner and find a positive path to a brighter horizon,” said Kevin Lewis, Director of the Greater Zion Convention & Tourism Office. “The dedication and commitment that the IRONMAN team has made to ensure success is inspiring. Working together, we’ve put together what will be an amazing world championship event this September, and we are thrilled at the opportunity to host the world here again in 2022.”

New Zealand remains a storied and special destination for The IRONMAN Group events, and despite the current uncertainties related to border and travel restrictions, both New Zealand and IRONMAN officials are committed to discussing how to bring the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship event to Taupō in a future year, giving the world’s top athletes the ability to enjoy a World Championship experience in this unique destination that has embraced The IRONMAN Group events for more than 35 years.

“I think it’s important to look at it from how big an impact COVID-19 is having across the globe – particularly with the new Delta strain – and understand that having a longer lead-in time will actually allow us to host more athletes. As the world opens up in the next few years, athletes will have more events across the world to qualify for the world championship,” said Mayor of Taupō David Trewavas. “We are working closely with our stakeholders and IRONMAN to come up with a new date as quickly as possible. This is a huge event for us – and we are really looking forward to finally being able to showcase our district to the world and reap the rewards that this international event will have for us here.”

The previously announced 2023 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship taking place in Lahti, Finland will continue as planned.

Registered athletes can visit www.ironman.com/703-wc-deferral for more information on what options they have with consideration to their geographical location.

For more information and event details for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, please visit www.ironman.com/im703-world-championship.

For more information on the IRONMAN brand and global event series, visit www.ironman.com.


IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship
In 2006 the inaugural IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship was held in Clearwater, Florida becoming another test for the world’s elite triathletes. Since that auspicious beginning, the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship has grown in stature and popularity moving first to Henderson, Nevada in 2011, where athletes encountered a more challenging terrain and then to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec—its first stop on the new “global rotation” for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. The event reached European soil for the first time ever in 2015, with Zell am See, Austria, hosting an epic and memorable event. In 2016, the race moved from the mountains to the beaches of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. In 2017, the race returned to the United States, taking place in Chattanooga, Tennessee where it became a two-day event for the first time. In 2018, the event reached the African continent for the first time and was hosted in Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa. Continuing the rotation, 2019 saw the French Riviera and Nice, France play host to the ever-growing IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship event. More than 200,000 athletes participate annually in a series of qualifying races, consisting of over 100 events in locations such as Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, North America, South Africa and Switzerland. Hosting more than 5,000 athletes from around the world, participants in the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship have ranged in age from 18 to 85-plusIn 2021, the event takes place in the Red Rocks of St. George, Utah on September 17-18 in the United States and again on October 28-29, 2022, before shifting to Lahti, Finland on August 26-27, 2023. For more information, visit www.ironman.com/im703-world-championship.
About The IRONMAN Group
The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ (VR™) Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Running™ Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and The Sun-Herald City2Surf®, Ultra-Trail® World Tour events including Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events, and other multisport races. The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world. Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit www.ironman.com/about-ironman-group.
About Advance 
Advance is a private, family-held business that owns and invests in companies across media, entertainment, technology, communications, education and other promising growth sectors. Our mission is to build the value of our companies over the long-term by fostering growth and innovation. Advance’s portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, Leaders Group, Turnitin, 1010data and Pop. Together these operating companies employ more than 17,000 people in 29 countries. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit. For more information visit www.advance.com.
Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

【メーカーNEWS】超軽量ロードハンドルバー「CADEX Race Handlebar」

超軽量ロードハンドルバー「CADEX Race Handlebar」を発表

ハイパフォーマンスコンポーネントブランドである CADEX は、新しい超軽量ロードハンドルバー、「CADEX Race Handlebar」を発表します。「CADEX Race Handlebar」は、1 ピース成型することで、重量わずか 160g(420mm)を実現した、超軽量かつ高剛性なカーボンハンドルバー。
「CADEX Race Handlebar」は 2021 年8月下旬より CADEX 正規販売店にて発売されます。

CADEX Race Handlebar

「CADEX Race Handlebar」は、CADEX が開発した精密な1ピース成型のカーボンファイバーレイアップ技 術を採用しています。この 1 ピース構造は、従来の 3 ピースバーの接合部に見られた余分な重量とたわみを 排除し、驚異的な軽量化と剛性を実現しています。

さらに、「CADEX Race Handlebar」は人間工学に基づいて最適化されており、トップ部分は緩やかなカー ブを描き、リア部分はフラットになっています。この形状は、ライダーの手を置ける位置の幅を広げるとと もに、路面からの振動を吸収して疲労を軽減し、一日中快適に過ごせるようにしています。

ドロップバー部は、ショートリーチ&シャロードロップデザインを採用。これにより、バーの上からブラケッ トへ、またブラケットからドロップバー部への素早いハンドポジションの切り替えを可能にしています。また、 ドロップ部は楕円形断面で、重量を増やすことなくバーの剛性を高めながらグリップ性を高めています。

CADEX のプロダクト&マーケティング部門の責任者であるジェフ・シュナイダーは次のように述べています。 「最高の製品を追求するために、私たちは自転車で最も重要なタッチポイントの一つであるハンドルバーを大 幅に改善したいと考えました。CADEX Race Handlebar には、CADEX のフックレスリムと同じ最先端のカー ボンレイアップ技術が採用されていますが、最大の成果は、従来の 3 ピースハンドルバーの接合部に見られた 余分な重量とたわみを排除した革新的な 1 ピースロードハンドルバーを開発したことです。エルゴノミクスの 最適化と相まって、剛性、強度、快適性に妥協することなく、420mm のドロップバーで 160g という驚異的 な軽量化を実現しました。」

Key Features :

• 1 ピース構造

先進の 1 ピース成型プロセスとカーボンファイバーのレイアップにより、超軽量でありながら優れた剛性と耐久性を実現



• 楕円形断面のドロップバー部




•Di2 対応

シマノ Di2 のバーエンド型ジャンクション(EW-RS 910)に対応

Spec & Price :
CADEX Race Handlebar

標準価格 :¥44,000(税込)

Full carbon bar

Clamp Diameter: 31.8mmpage4image63504960

Size: 380mm (Reach 68mm / Drop120mm)

400mm (Reach 72mm / Drop125mm) 420mm (Reach 72mm / Drop125mm)


About CADEX :

CADEX は、ホイールシステム、タイヤ、サドルなどのハイパフォーマンスコンポーネントブランドです。 CADEX Race Handlebar の他にも、36mm/42mm/65mm ハイトのフックレスチューブレス及び 42mm/65mm ハイトのチューブラーカーボンロードホイールシステム、TT やトライアスロン用の 4 スポー クエアロホイールシステムやエアロディスクホイールシステム、CADEX Race 及び Classics チューブレスタ イヤ、そして数々の賞を受賞した Boost サドルなどをラインナップしています。

● 製品紹介ウェブサイト www.cadex-cycling.com/jp

● 読者の方からの問い合わせ先 株式会社ジャイアント 044-738-2200




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka


第9回 榛名湖リゾート・トライアスロン in群馬 GERONIMO COUNT


GERONIMO COUNTは2015年からスタートし7年目にり、32大会を数えた。バイクカウントは、元々コナで30年以上行われ、その使用率が話題となっていた。サーヴェロが話題となるのはそのことによる。コナという最高の舞台でも実際の「選手層」は幅広い。単なるブランド別台数ではなく、エイジでのハンデはあるが、やはり「SUB10」の本当に速い選手が乗るバイクは何か?サーヴェロのシェアはダントツだが、人気のあるモデルは何か?など、もっと突っ込んだ「本当のこと」が知りたい。また、ワンバイなどトレンド以前の「兆し」も発見したかった。



2021 HARU-TORA  Bike ” GERONIMO ” Count

順位 ブランド 使用台数 使用率
1 SPECIALIZED 43 13.0%
1 TREK 43 13.0%
3 cervelo 27 8.1%
4 GIANT/Liv 25 7.5%
5 cannondale 22 6.6%
6 ceepo 20 6.0%
7 PINARELLO 14 4.2%
8 MERIDA 12 3.6%
8 SCOTT 12 3.6%
10 ANCHOR 11 3.3%
11 BIANCHI 7 2.1%
11 FELT 7 2.1%
13 KUOTA 6 1.8%
13 QR 6 1.8%
15 BMC 5 1.5%
15 CANYON 5 1.5%
15 GUSTO 5 1.5%
15 LOOK 5 1.5%
19 ARGON18 4 1.2%
19 COLNAGO 4 1.2%
19 DEROSA 4 1.2%
19 ORBEA 4 1.2%
19 Wilier 4 1.2%
24 BOMA 3 0.9%
24 corratec 3 0.9%
24 FOCUS 3 0.9%
24 RIDLEY 3 0.9%
28 BH 2 0.6%
28 CARRERA 2 0.6%
28 GIOS 2 0.6%
28 lapierre 2 0.6%
28 PANASONIC 2 0.6%
28 TIME 2 0.6%
34 astuto 1 0.3%
34 AVEDIO 1 0.3%
34 CUBE 1 0.3%
34 excella 1 0.3%
34 FUJI 1 0.3%
34 GARNEAU 1 0.3%
34 HARP 1 0.3%
34 NEILPRYDE 1 0.3%
34 NESTO 1 0.3%
34 SIAFEI 1 0.3%
34 3T 1 0.3%
不明 2 0.6%
未確認 0 0.0%
44 合計 332 100.0%

Counted by Triathlon GERONIMO


スペシャライズドは、トライアスロンでも強く、GERONIMO COUNT上だが、4月の石垣島1位、5月のWTCS横浜エリート、6月の彩の国でも1位のシェアとなっている。同社のトライアスロンバイク比率は34.9%で、やはり人気となっているのは、現行SHIVだった。もう一つの特徴は、ディスクブレーキ比率がダントツに高いことが挙げられ、他社よりも2~3年早い開発ができていただけにその完成度も自ずと高くなっている。




総台数 TOP10台数 使用率
332 229 69.0%

Counted by Triathlon GERONIMO







総数   Disc   比率   Rim   比率
Tri Road 合計 Tri Road 合計
332 19 45 64 19.3% 59 209 268 80.7%

Counted by Triathlon GERONIMO



もともとGERONIMO COUNTは、ブランド別は当然だが、この「車種」については、大きな興味があった。トライアスロンバイクを購入する動機として、やはり見た目からの人気があることは事実。もう一つは、ミドルを目標設定にした選手がそのタイミングとしてケースが多い。距離の長いバイクパートに対し、考え始めたということだろう。ODまでは3種目の一つという位置付けだったことも考えられる。それがミドルでは、3時間から4時間以上となるため、効率よく安定した走りであったり、マイナス面軽減のためのエアロダイナミクスであったり、機材への関心度が大きく高まってくる。いずれにしても完走が簡単ではない、ミドルやロングヘの挑戦は、「本気」でやる必要があるため、トライアスロンバイク比率が増える傾向は、トライアスロン人気のバロメーターと言って良いと考えている。

大会 年度 台数 Tri 比率 Road 比率 距離
木更津 2017 1557 277 17.8% 1280 82.2% OD
石垣島 2021 824 254 30.8% 570 69.2% OD
彩の国 2021 320 143 44.7% 177 55.3% ミドル・ショート・ミニ
榛名湖 2021 332 78 23.5% 254 76.5% OD・ミニ

Counted by Triathlon GERONIMO






総台数 装着 比率 非装着 比率
332 207 62.4% 123 37.0%


Counted by Triathlon GERONIMO










Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

【メーカーNEWS】特別カラーのTCR ADVANCED SL DISCフレームセット



ブルンメンフェルトは、ダフィと共に東京オリンピックトライアスロン競技のゴールドメダリストとして、今年のIRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPに特別招待されている。最終エントリーとなった場合、このカラーのTRINITYが見られるのかも知れない。





GIANT 2022モデル 特別カラーのTCR ADVANCED SL DISCフレームセットを限定発売

株式会社ジャイアント(代表取締役社⻑︓中村晃、本社︓神奈川県川崎市)は、GIANT 2022 モデルとして、調和と幸福を象徴する日本の伝統的な七宝文様を採用し、5色の組み合わせで勝利を追求する動きとスピードを表現する特別カラーの「TCR ADVANCED SL DISC LTD FRAME SET」を国内23本限定で 発売いたします。


TCR ADVANCED SL DISC LTD FRAME SET クラス最高レベルの重量剛性比を追求した「トータルレースバイク・TCR 」。 空 力 性 能 と 軽 量 化 を 両 立 す る チューブ形状、フレームと完全にインテグレートされたディスクブレーキや、32mm まで対応するタイヤクリアランスで高いコントロール性を実現。限定フレーム「LTD」は、調和と幸福を象徴する日本の伝統的な七宝文様を採用し、5色の組み合わせで勝利を追求する動きとスピードを表現する特別カラー。

標準価格 ︓ ¥407,000 (税込)

サイズ ︓ 680 (XS)、710 (S)、 740 (M)、770 (ML) mm

重量 ︓ FRAME / 770g(710mm)、FORK / 340g

カラー ︓ カーボン

※SL DISCは電動コンポーネント 専用設計


●製品紹介ウェブサイト https://www.giant.co.jp/giant21/

●読者の方からの問い合わせ先 株式会社ジャイアント 044 – 738 – 2200





Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist   Nobutaka Otsuka



– The IRONMAN Group and Travel Juneau partner to host first full-distance IRONMAN triathlon in the Northernmost U.S. State of Alaska – Inaugural IRONMAN Alaska scheduled for August 7, 2022 – General registration will open on August 23 by visiting www.ironman.com/im-alaska

JUNEAU, Alaska / TAMPA, Fla. (August 9, 2021) – The IRONMAN Group in conjunction with Travel Juneau announced today that Juneau, Alaska will serve as the newest host venue for a full-distance IRONMAN® triathlon. The inaugural event is scheduled to take place on Sunday, Aug 7, 2022, with general registration opening on August 23.

“Hosting an IRONMAN event in Alaska has never been done before and we are beyond excited to partner with Travel Juneau to showcase the unbelievable destination that Juneau is,” said Dave Christen, Regional Director for The IRONMAN Group. “This world-class host city will demonstrate to the IRONMAN community a truly Alaskan experience at every turn. Native to the Juneau region are the Tlingit people and they share a value called Haa Latséeni which means, Strength of Body, Mind, and Spirit. This aligns well with what it takes to be an IRONMAN athlete and that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Not many people know Juneau is just a short two-hour flight from Seattle. Come and see for yourself, it’s amazing!”

The local Tlingit people have a rich and beautiful history in Juneau and a local artist, Crystal Worl, was commissioned to create the IRONMAN Alaska logo. Her local Juneau business, Trickster Company, is a great place to dive into this beautiful formline art technique highlighted in the new event’s identity.

“I am thrilled to share Tlingit art & cultural values on Áak’w Ḵwáan territory,” said Crystal Worl “The salmon symbolizes the strength, resilience, and endurance it takes for the journey home to spawn. It is this salmon that brings nitrogen and nutrients from the deep ocean to our land, which has enabled our land to become as lush and green as it is! It is with great honor I am able to create the IRONMAN logo for my hometown Juneau!”

The inaugural IRONMAN event in Alaska will cover 140.6 miles of truly Juneau territory. With a two-loop swim in the beautiful spring fed Auke Lake, athletes will start the day enjoying breathtaking beauty of Mendenhall Glacier in the distance as their sighting line. Once out of the water athletes will use the Glacier highway to head north until the road literally ends at 28 miles from Auke Lake. The two-loop bike course will skirt the edge of the stunning coastlines of Juneau. The run course will utilize two historic trails in the area to include Montana Creek, as well as running a loop around Auke Lake and using the Kaxdigoowu Heen Dei trail to get back to transition and onto their second lap.

“Travel Juneau is thrilled to welcome IRONMAN to our community,” says Travel Juneau President & CEO Liz Perry. “We have a physically active, adventurous population and a surprising number of community groups in the running, trail running and cycling worlds. With over 250 miles of trails, combined with our mild coastal climate and the stunning Tongass National Forest, Alaska’s capital city is a terrific destination for IRONMAN. We look forward to working with IRONMAN, our hospitality partners, and the City & Borough of Juneau to make the 2022 competition a success.”

Juneau is unique among the 49 U.S. capitals on mainland North America in that there are no roads connecting the city to the rest of the state nor North America. The absence of a road network is due to the extremely rugged terrain surrounding the city. This in turn makes Juneau a de facto island city in terms of transportation with all goods coming in and out by plane or boat, in spite of the city’s being on the Alaskan mainland. Downtown Juneau is nestled at the base of Mount Juneau and across the channel from Douglas Island and sits at sea level, below steep mountains about 3,500 to 4,000 feet high. Atop these mountains is the Juneau Icefield, a large ice mass from which about 30 glaciers flow; two of these, the Mendenhall Glacier and the Ptarmigan Glacier, are visible from the local road system.

Juneau’s lively downtown is compact, easy to navigate on foot and always a favorite with guests to visit historic sites, local shops, and pubs. Just a short drive from downtown, one of the city’s most iconic sites sits at the edge of a residential neighborhood: Mendenhall Glacier. The glacier sits within the Tongass National Forest – the largest national forest in the United States. Additionally, whale watching tours are a popular way to see the diverse marine life in the area.

“The City & Borough of Juneau is delighted that Juneau has been selected for an IRONMAN competition,” said Mayor Beth Weldon. “The 2022 event will be a great way to celebrate the city’s emergence from the impacts of the pandemic, and we extend a warm welcome to IRONMAN athletes, staff, and fans.”

General registration for the inaugural 2022 IRONMAN Alaska triathlon will open on Aug. 23, 2021. The event will offer qualifying slots to the 2022 IRONMAN World Championship® in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i.

For more information on the 2022 IRONMAN Alaska triathlon, visit www.ironman.com/im-alaska. For more information on the IRONMAN brand and global event series, visit www.ironman.com. Athlete inquiries can be directed to alaska@ironman.com.

About Travel Juneau
Formed in 1985, Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau, doing business as Travel Juneau, markets Alaska’s capital city to conventions, groups, and independent travelers. The organization is dedicated to its partners in the visitor industry and to the value that travel brings to our community. Travel Juneau benefits from the natural beauty and wildlife of the Tongass National Forest as well as Juneau’s geographically remote location. Valued industry partnerships include the Alaska Travel Industry Association (ATIA) and the Southeast Alaska Tourism Council (SATC). More information can be found at www.traveljuneau.com.About The IRONMAN Group
The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ (VR™) Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Running™ Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and The Sun-Herald City2Surf®, Ultra-Trail® World Tour events including Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events, and other multisport races. The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world. Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit www.ironman.com/about-ironman-group.About Advance 
Advance is a private, family-held business that owns and invests in companies across media, entertainment, technology, communications, education and other promising growth sectors. Our mission is to build the value of our companies over the long-term by fostering growth and innovation. Advance’s portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, Leaders Group, Turnitin, 1010data and Pop. Together these operating companies employ more than 17,000 people in 29 countries. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit. For more information visit www.advance.com.

Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist   Nobutaka Otsuka



— Men’s and Women’s triathlon Olympic Gold Medal winners earn place at start line in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i for world’s longest-running and most prestigious full-distance triathlon —

— Duffy and Blummenfelt scheduled to compete at 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Presented by Utah Sports Commission after previously earning qualification —

TAMPA, Fla. (August 6, 2021) – IRONMAN today announced that the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Gold Medal winners in individual triathlon, Flora Duffy (BER) and Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) have been extended a special invitation to compete at the 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN® World Championship® taking place on October 9, 2021, in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i as an IRONMAN professional triathlete qualifying exemption. Duffy and Blummenfelt have both already qualified for the 2021 IRONMAN 70.3® World Championship and therefore do not need a qualifying exemption for that event.

“We congratulate Flora and Kristian on their fantastic performances in Tokyo and in celebrating their accomplishments, we are pleased to provide them the opportunity to carry their success to our world championship events. The extension of these invitations to both the male and female Olympic Gold Medal winners aligns marquee events within the overall triathlon event calendar, showcasing just how impressive our professional triathletes are across multiple distances,” said Andrew Messick, President and Chief Executive Officer of The IRONMAN Group. “After a very difficult stretch for the sporting world, we believe that offering these slots will help to continue to promote triathlon, including the accomplishment of those at the pinnacle of short course racing.”

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games triathlon consisted of a 1.5 km (0.93mi) swim, 43 km (27mi) bike and 10 km (6.2 mi) run and took place on July 26, 2021 for the men with Blummenfelt winning in a time of 1:45:04, and the women’s event a day later on July 27, 2021 with Duffy capturing gold in a time of 01:55:36.

Duffy was the winner of the 2020 IRONMAN 70.3 South Africa in Buffalo City while Blummenfelt has won the IRONMAN 70.3 Middle Eastern Championship in Bahrain three-straight times from 2017-19 and also finished fourth at the 2019 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship held in Nice, France.

Triathlon has been an official Summer Olympic event since its debut in Sydney, Australia at the 2000 Olympic games. 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist Jan Frodeno (GER) and 2000 Olympic Silver Medalist Michellie Jones (AUS) successfully made the jump to IRONMAN winning the IRONMAN World Championship in 2015 and 2006, respectfully. In addition, former triathlon Olympic medalists such as Kate Allen (AUS), Alistair Brownlee (GBR), Bevan Docherty (NZ), Javier Gomez Noya (ESP), Lisa Norden (SWE), and Nicola Spirig (CHE) have gone on to have success at full-distance IRONMAN and half-distance IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon events.

“One thing I get asked a lot is what is more memorable, an Olympic Medal or my IRONMAN World Championship. I usually reply one is two hours and the other is nine hours, and both are meaningful, so it is a tough comparison. I truly treasure both accomplishments,” said IRONMAN Hall of Fame member Michellie Jones. “Having the opportunity to compete for an IRONMAN World Championship following the Olympics is a great privilege and challenge, especially given the rarity to date of athletes who have achieved the pinnacle of both great stages in our sport.”

For more information on the IRONMAN brand and global event series, visit www.ironman.com.



Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist   Nobutaka Otsuka