– New Zealand set to host event in December 2024 after originally selected to host 2020 event

TAUPŌ, New Zealand / TAMPA, Fla. (Sept. 28, 2021) – IRONMAN today announced that the 2024 IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship is set to be held in Taupō, New Zealand on 14-15 December 2024.

Taupō was originally selected to host the 2020 edition of the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship which was cancelled due to the ongoing and widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Taupō was then slated to host the event in 2022 before continued uncertainty around international travel led to next year’s event being shifted to St George, Utah, USA.

“We are pleased that the 2024 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship will be taking place at the home of IRONMAN in New Zealand, Taupō,” said Andrew Messick, President & CEO of The IRONMAN Group. “Taupō is a historic and iconic destination in the world of IRONMAN, and while the wait to compete there in a world championship event has been longer than we had hoped, we can’t wait to see the best IRONMAN 70.3 athletes from around the globe have an opportunity to race in December 2024.”

Geoff Meyer, Oceania Managing Director for The IRONMAN Group, added his appreciation for the collaborative work by all stakeholders to provide athletes from around the world the opportunity to race this unique destination that has embraced IRONMAN Group events for more than 20 years.

“It is great to see all of our stakeholders come together to lock in a new date and welcome the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship to Taupō after the cancelation in 2020 and shift in location for 2022,” he said. “The additional two-year wait will put us in a position to welcome many more athletes to Taupō than we would have been able to next year, as well as showcasing the region, and New Zealand as a whole, to a global audience.”

Mayor of Taupō, David Trewavas, said that the event would provide an opportunity to showcase the Taupō District, and New Zealand, to a global audience.

“We are proud to be the home of IRONMAN in New Zealand and are ready to show the rest of the world exactly why that is. We have been working closely with stakeholders and are very pleased to see both council and government support roll over to the new date,” said Mayor Trewavas. “We have already laid the foundations to host the world’s best, and we can’t wait to deliver an event like no other that will allow us to showcase both the Taupō District and New Zealand to the rest of the world. Bring on 2024.”

Stuart Nash, Minister of Economic and Regional Development and Tourism said that the region looked forward to welcoming the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship community in 2024.

“We are thrilled that Taupō has secured the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship for 2024. Taupō is regarded as a ‘bucket list’ destination for many of IRONMAN’s global athletes, and we can’t wait to host them, their families and supporters alike in a World Championship format in 2024,” said Mr Nash. “The Government is supporting this event through its Major Events Fund; and we know it is going to be worth the wait.”

Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board CEO, Shane Heremaia, also welcomed the announcement.

“We support IRONMAN’s decision to reschedule Taupō’s hosting of the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship to 2024 in light of the ongoing uncertainty around the pandemic and border issues,” said Mr Heremaia. “Ngāti Tūwharetoa stands ready to welcome the athletes, their support teams and whānau to enjoy Lake Taupō, our taonga (treasure).”

Looking Ahead
2022 – St. George, Utah, USA
The striking Southwestern community of St. George has been a host venue for IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 triathlons since 2010. St. George’s breathtaking scenery and views of the surrounding red rock canyons have made the community an ideal destination for athletes for years. The city’s walkable downtown area features great local fare and boutique shopping. It is also only a two-hour drive from the nightlife of Las Vegas, with its never-ending entertainment options. The course has historically begun in the beautiful Sand Hollow Reservoir before embarking on a bike course through picturesque Snow Canyon State Park prior to a run through the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve.

2023 – Lahti, Finland
Situated in Southern Finland, Lahti is the gateway to Finnish Lake District and located less than an hour from Helsinki. This innovative community currently hosts the IRONMAN 70.3 Finland triathlon, which has become a favorite on the European IRONMAN 70.3 calendar. Lahti offers visitors the opportunity to experience national landscapes in the Päijänne National Park. Once visitors arrive in Lahti, everything is within walkable distance, including the city’s transport hub, restaurants, shopping and hotels. Sibelius Hall, where the race has been historically centered, is one of the world’s largest public wooden buildings built in Finland in the last 100 years. The course has historically begun in the beautiful Lake Vesijärvi, with a bike course that leads athletes through forests along lakes and across rolling hills surrounded by typical Finnish villages and followed by a flat and fast run course along the lakeside.

IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Schedule
Year Location Date
2022 St. George, Utah, USA Oct. 28-29, 2022
2023 Lahti, Finland Aug. 26-27, 2023
2024 Taupō, New Zealand Dec. 14-15, 2024

Further updates on the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship can be found at

For more information on the IRONMAN brand and global event series, visit




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

【メーカーNEWS】TREK デイライトの普及へ向けて協働を開始








デイライト(日中点灯)による安全なサイクリングを広めていくため、トレックは2021年4月よりサイクリ ングスクールやツアー運営企業などと共にデイライトを広めています。

この度、トレック・ジャパンは、大分県を拠点とし自転車による地域づくりを推進するプロサイクルチーム「ス パークルおおいたレーシングチーム」と協働し、デイライトの重要性を広めていく活動に取り組むことに合意し ました。

ここ数年、移動手段やレクリエーションとして自転車の活用が大きく注目され、かつてないほど安全への重要 性が高まっています。「スパークルおおいたレーシングチーム」は、レースに参戦しながら“地域課題を解決する プロデュース集団”として、選手自らが正しい交通ルールを実践し、地域に住むサイクリストへその大切さを伝 えることを心掛けています。今後、「スパークルおおいたレーシングチーム」では、選手が自らトレーニングにお いてデイライトを必ず実践するとともに、サイクリストをはじめとする地域の方々と接する際にもデイライトの 重要性を伝えます。

サイクリストが安全にライドを楽しみ、事故を一つでも防ぎたいと強く願う「スパークルおおいたレーシング チーム」と手を取り合い、デイライトの普及・啓発に取り組んで参ります。

■Sparkle Oita Racing Team監督兼GM黒枝美樹のコメント:

「チーム発足以来、交通事故0を目指すことが最重要課題であると位置づけ、自転車利用者のみならず、ドライバーや歩行者の安全をいかに守っていくかを選手自らが考え、積極的に取り組んでおります。毎日のトレーニ ングはもちろん、普段の買い物などちょっとした自転車利用時でもライトを点灯し、ドライバーや歩行者に気づ いてもらうための取り組みを実践しておりましたが、その重要性を全国のサイクリストの皆さんに普及・啓発す るところまでは至っておりませんでした。

そのような折に、トレックさんとの協働によるデイライト普及のお話をいただき、当チームの「安心して楽し くサイクルライフを送れるよう全国のサイクリストの皆様へメッセージを届けたい」との思いを実現する機会を 得ることができました。

新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大したことも1つの要因となり空前の自転車ブームが到来する中、プロサイク リングチームとして、サイクリストのみならず全ての利用者が安全に安心して通行できる交通環境の実現に寄与 するとともに、レース活動などのスポーツを通じて地域の課題解決に向けて取り組んでまいります。」


2021年1月1日に発足した九州のロードレースチーム。「九州を一つに世界に挑む」をスローガンとし、ロードレース活動のほか、地域との連携やファンコミュニティーの拡大、地域課題の解決などを視野に精力的な活動 を展開。チーム自らが考え、ファンの皆様と一緒にサイクリングや各種イベントを開催するなど様々なことにチ ャレンジを続ける。

参考:【日中用点灯:常に点灯を】Youtube, 2016年制作(日本語へ字幕設定が必要)




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

Cervelo 2022 New R5 ~ What goes up must come down ~







What goes up must come down.






ここでR5の歴史を紐解いていきましょう。2010年 第一世代R5ca/R5がデビューします。この年に初めてサーヴェロのラインナップに「5」グレードが追加されます。この時デビューした初代R5の公称重量は800g以下。同時にデビューしたR5caは675gと驚異的な重量を叩き出し、この年のユーロバイクアワードを受賞しました。

2013年 第二世代Rca/R5がデビューします。チューブ形状がスクオーバル3へ進化し、高剛性、軽量化、エアロの追及が進んでいきます。さらに、Rシリーズの代名詞である垂直面に対し可能な限りシンプルな超薄型シートステーが継続採用されます。シマノDi2の進化によりケーブル類の内装化、クラシックレースでの仕様を見据えて25cタイヤのクリアランス確保を行うなど最先端の技術を集結しました。

2017年 第三世代R5/R5Discがデビューします。先代モデルから重量を増やすことなく剛性強化を行うと同時に、各チューブ接合部のデザインを見直し、エアロダイナミクスの追及が行われました。

2021年 春先のクラシックレースに突如姿を現した見慣れぬバイク。ハンドル周りのケーブル類は内装化され、ヘッドチューブの大経化。しかしながら全体のシルエットに大きな変化はなく、第三世代モデルを更に洗練したエレガントなデザイン。2021年秋に満を持して第四世代R5デビューです。










いくつかの異なるレイアップに取り組み、自分たちでテストし、さらに Team Jumbo-Vismaにも送ってテストしてもらいました。トム・デュムランは、サンウェブでR5を愛用していたこともあり、初期のテストでは有力な候補となりました。快適性が向上したことで疲労が軽減され、より効果的な回復が期待できる。Jumbo-Visma社がこれを検証し、レースに実践投入することに決めました。

新しいR5フレームは、第三世代に比べて130gの軽量化を実現しました(56サイズ)。これは、すでに軽量化されたフレームから16%の削減です。56サイズでの新しいフレームは703g、新しいフォークは329g。51サイズの実測重量(カラー:Five Black)は695g、フォークは330gです。この重量は箱から出して梱包を外した製品重量の為、塗装済み、リアエンド、ボトルゲージボルト込みの重量です。サイズ・カラー・塗装による重量の差はあるものの、フレームセット重量は1㎏に近づくように設計されています。また、このフレームではS5やP5のようなエアロダイナミクスは重視されていませんでしたが、ケーブルを内側に入れることで25gの抵抗を減らすことができました。


Dura Ace Di2 : Five Black

R9270 Dura-Ace完成車:¥1,595,000

Red eTap AXS : Five Black

Red eTap AXS完成車:¥1,650,000

Force eTap AXS / Ultegra Di2 : Five Black
Force eTap AXS / Ultegra Di2 : Lime/Black

R8170 Ultegra完成車:¥1,188,000

Force eTap AXS完成車:¥1,155,000






Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka















Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka




– St. George, Utah “Rises To It” Once Again, Becoming Host For The 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission Taking Place On May 7, 2022 —

— World Championship Then Returns to Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i For First-Ever Two-Day IRONMAN World Championship on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022, & Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022 —

TAMPA, Fla. (Sept. 23, 2021) – IRONMAN, in collaboration with both Greater Zion and St. George, Utah officials and local and state Hawai`i officials, announced today that the IRONMAN® World Championship®will move outside of Hawai`i for the first time, taking place in St. George, Utah on May 7, 2022, prior to returning to Kona, Hawai`i with a new two-day race format on October 6 and 8, 2022.

St. George, Utah Becomes First-Ever Host of IRONMAN World Championship Outside of Hawai`i

The 2021 Supersapiens IRONMAN World Championship will take place in St. George, Utah, on May 7, 2022, giving professional triathletes the opportunity to claim a world championship title and a share of the $750,000 prize purse that goes with it. The ongoing uncertainty regarding Kailua-Kona, Hawaii`s ability to host the event in February required a change in venue to outside of Hawai`i for the first time since the inaugural event in 1978.

St. George was selected as the first new host location of the event outside of Hawai`i in 40-plus years based on its strong community support, challenging course, and experience hosting IRONMAN® triathlons and other major events, including the successful recently completed 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. St. George will also host the 2022 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship on October 28-29, 2022.

“The honor to host the first IRONMAN World Championship outside of Hawai`i is as humbling as it is thrilling. There are few events that hold the prestige and respect of the IRONMAN World Championship in Kona,” said Kevin Lewis, Director of the Greater Zion Convention & Tourism Office. “I think we understand the weight and responsibility we now have to carry forward the cherished significance of the IRONMAN World Championship and we don’t take that responsibility lightly. We have the deepest respect for the IRONMAN World Championship’s legacy in Hawai`i and all that has gone on before – the passion, the dreams, the gut-wrenching persistence, and the human spirit of caring for one another as we push forward to be the best version of ourselves. Hosting the IRONMAN World Championship here gives us the opportunity to truly honor that legacy with our own brand of enduring success, and once again I’m certain we will rise to it.”

“We are fortunate to have built such a strong and trusted relationship with our friends in the greater St. George region over the past 10-plus years,” said Andrew Messick, President & Chief Executive Officer for The IRONMAN Group. “St. George stepped up to ensure IRONMAN athletes will have a 2021 world championship, even if delayed into 2022. We all just witnessed why this special place has been dubbed the ‘Land of Endurance’ and we are confident that we will have an outstanding championship in May.”

“Hosting the IRONMAN World Championship is yet another example of the Utah Sports Commission’s sport and Olympic legacy efforts that showcase globally why Utah is known as the State of Sport,” said Utah Sports Commission President and CEO, Jeff Robbins. “Together with our partners, we look forward to welcoming the world to Utah.”

“Events like the IRONMAN World Championship that attract athletes from every corner of the world are great examples of our state’s high level of engagement in global sport,” said Utah Governor, Spencer Cox. “The significant economic impact and the media value will be of great benefit to St. George, Washington County and the entire state.”

IRONMAN World Championship Returns to Kona in October 2022 with Two-Day Race Format

For the first time in the 40-plus year history of the IRONMAN World Championship, the pinnacle event for triathlon will take place over two days with the 2022 IRONMAN World Championship returning to Kona, Hawai`i on October 6 and 8, 2022. The two-day event will see an expanded women’s professional field of 50 athletes race on Thursday, October 6, and 50 professional men race on Saturday, October 8. Details of the age-group races will be communicated in the coming weeks.

“We expect the races in October of 2022 to be unique and historic,” said Messick. “Two days of racing in Kailua-Kona addresses the overwhelming demand from athletes to race in a World Championship and will allow us to host our deferred athletes and place more emphasis on showcasing our women’s and men’s professional races.”

“We are excited to work in collaboration with IRONMAN to bring two events home to Hawaiʻi Island in October of 2022,” said Hawai`i County Mayor, Mitch Roth. “As our island’s premier sporting event, IRONMAN has been a trusted community partner for over 40 years, and we’re ever grateful for their willingness and ability to adapt to our community’s needs and contribute to its vibrancy. That said, we would like to send a sincere mahalo to the city of St. George, Utah, for allowing IRONMAN competitors a stage to compete, as we ready our shores to welcome back our IRONMAN ʻohana in anticipation of next year’s events.”

“Hawaii Island, and Kona in particular, have had a wonderful 40-plus year relationship with IRONMAN and its origins,” said Ross Birch, Island of Hawai`i Visitors Bureau Executive Director. “While the iconic event has provided long-lasting economic benefits to our island, what’s sometimes missed is the transformation of Kona as a lifestyle destination because of IRONMAN. We are in full support of IRONMAN’s change to host a two-day race format that enables the opportunity for all qualifying athletes from the past two-plus years to compete as well as giving the local economy a chance to benefit and recoup lost tourism opportunities.”

“The loss of the past two IRONMAN World Championship races certainly dealt us an economic blow. Our restaurants have always received a big boost from the race, athletes, and their families. We are very excited to hear that with two races next October we can plan to make up for the economic losses from the past two race cancellations,” said Luana Hospitality Principal, Eric von Platen Luder

“It has been a challenging few years, however we have stayed true to our goal to create exceptional experiences for our ‘ohana,” said Diana Bertsch, Senior Vice President, World Championship Events for The IRONMAN Group. “We are grateful to our host communities in St. George and Kailua-Kona as well as their local and state officials, for their willingness to trust us. Our team is committed to putting on incredible race weeks as we add pages to the IRONMAN World Championship history books in May and October 2022.”

IRONMAN athletes registered for the 2021 and 2022 editions of the IRONMAN World Championship triathlon, along with athletes currently registered for 2022 IRONMAN St. George, will be contacted directly with additional information. For more information and event details for the IRONMAN World Championship, please visit




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

【メーカーNEWS】さらなる進化を遂げた3Dプリントパット採用 S-WORKS ROMIN EVO WITH MIR

さらなる進化を遂げた3Dプリントパット採用サドル S-WORKS ROMIN EVO WITH MIRROR発売



スペシャライズドからS-WORKS ROMIN EVO WITH MIRRORが2021年9月22日に発売。従来のフォームサドルと比較して圧迫を26%軽減。 Romin特有のサドル形状のおかげで、ライダーがレースで勝つための低いエアロポジションをとっていていても、血流を妨げません。

  • Body Geometryでさらなる進化を遂げたMirrorテクノロジー

スペシャライズドは、これまでもBody Geometryというメソッドを用い、ライドの質を高めるあらゆるイノベーションを生み続けてきました。執念ともいえるこの追求から生まれたのがMirrorテクノロジー。液状ポリマーを3Dプリント加工し、従来のフォームでは不可能なレベルで素材密度を調節できる最先端技術です。 Mirrorサドルはスペシャライズドがこれまでに作ってきたどのサドルよりも快適で、痛みを効果的に緩和します。当然、その性能はBody Geometryによって科学的に検証済みです。

  • Romin Evo with Mirrorの特徴

レースや高強度トレーニングなどでは前傾姿勢で走る場面が多いでしょう。そのような状況でもデリケートな部分の血流を守り、痛みを緩和させるのがRomin EVO with Mirror サドル。従来のフォームサドルと比較して圧迫を26%軽減させます。凹みを持たせたカーボンシェルの上に、 3Dプリント加工で22,200本の線と10,700個の点をつないだ特殊構造を重ね、ラインアップ中もっとも厚みのあるMirrorアッパーを実現させました。

人間工学に基づいて開発されたBody Geometryのカットアウト(サドル中央部の穴)は、血流を妨げない

Mirrorテクノロジーは従来の一定密度のフォームと異なり、たった一つの素材で密度を無限に調整できます。素材を3Dプリント加工する際に用いられるのが、 Body GeometryデザインとRetülのデータ。サドルが坐骨をより広い範囲でハンモックのように包んで支え、あなた自身の体重でデリケートな部分が押し潰されるのを防ぎます。


条件を統一して、従来のサドルとMirrorテクノロジー採用のサドルにかかる圧迫を示したのが、これら高解像度の圧力マッピング。 Mirrorテクノロジーはより広い範囲で身体を支え、全体的な圧迫を大幅に減らし、痛みを緩和させていることが見て取れます。このようにして、このサドルの性能は科学的に検証されています。


私たちは世界トップクラスのアスリートと手を取り合い、最も過酷なレースでライバルに勝てるBody Geometry製品を作り続けてきました。 Mirrorテクノロジーも例にもれず、アスリートがこれまでに積み上げてきた経験やそれに基づく意見が注がれ、ラボ及びフィールドテストでの結果が直接反映されています。

  • 凹みを持たせたFACTカーボンファイバーシェルは、最適な剛性に設定され、体を支えつつ路面の振動をしなやかに吸収します。
  • 超軽量なFACTカーボンのオーバーサイズレール。
  • サドルのベースにはSWAT™対応マウントが設けられ、ストレージをスマートに一体化できます。


サイズ/重量:143mm/190g、 155mm/198g





Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

IRONMAN70.3 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Great scene photos 34

ST GEORGE, UTAH – SEPTEMBER 18: Gustav Iden of Norway finishes first in the Men’s Pro portion during the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship on September 18, 2021 in St George, Utah. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)


Photo Credit: Donald Mirralle/IRONMAN 
Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN; Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN

ST. GEORGE, Utah (September 18, 2021) – Nearly 3,500 athletes including an impressive professional field and top age-groupers undertook the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. Competitors endured a 1.2-mile (1.9km) ROKA Swim Course in the Sand Hollow Reservoir in Hurricane, Utah, followed by a 56-mile (91.3km) Ventum Bike Course with 3,442 feet (1,049 meters) of elevation gain and an unforgettable climb into Snow Canyon State Park. The event was capped off with the two-loop, 13.1-mile (21.2km) HOKA ONE ONE Run Course through Red Hills Parkway and saw athletes finish in historic downtown St. George, Utah. In order to qualify for the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission, more than 50,000 age-group athletes competed to earn slots at over 45 IRONMAN 70.3 events held worldwide.

The men’s professional field toes the start line of the swim portion at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo by Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
Athletes begin their race day in the Sand Hollow Reservoir at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)

After being given 6 to 18 months to live in March of 2021, Kyle Brown of Farmington, Utah, became determined not to let his diagnosis stop him from living his life. On race day, Brown sported bib number 179 in honor of Jon Blais, the first person with ALS to complete an IRONMAN race. Kyle crossed the finish line continuing to raise awareness for ALS at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission, displaying a flag that reads “It’s too late for me, but not for someone you love. A cure for ALS is close.” (Photo Credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN) – TOP LEFT | TOP RIGHT | BOTTOM
The professional athlete field takes to the waters of Sand Hollow Reservoir during the swim portion of 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo by Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
Lesley Smith takes on the hilly bike course of the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shawn/ Getty Images for IRONMAN)

A training crash in 2017, that left Australian Lauren Parker with broken ribs, scapula, back and pelvis, as well as a punctured lung, changed her life forever. Following the accident, Parker transitioned to paratriathlon with great success. Coming off a Silver Medal at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Parker’s journey to her first IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship appearance has been anything but easy and was made more difficult after suffering burns to her feet in the lead-up to the event, resulting in time at the Intermountain Healthcare St. George Regional Hospital Wound Care Clinic. After being released from the hospital, the support for Parker and coach Brad Fernley didn’t end there. Two Nurses from title partner Intermountain Healthcare, Marci Nell and Sydnee Slack, and Doctor Carl Van Gils, went above and beyond, working with IRONMAN Race Officials to create a plan that allowed Parker to race with their focused aid and support on race day. Marci Nell and Sydnee Slack assisted Parker at the end of each leg to dress her wounds and ensure that her burns were safe and properly covered, with the two nurses  on hand to present her with her medal as she crossed the finish line.  (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN) TOP RIGHT | (Photo credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN) TOP LEFT | BOTTOM (L-R Marci Nell, Lauren Parker, Sydnee Slack)
A wave of age-group athletes awaits the start cannon to begin the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo by Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
The sun rises over the swim course at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo by Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)

“Super” Sam Holness, uses his autism as his super power. After training all year to compete in the event, he hopes his finish inspires others and he moves one step closer to his ultimate goal of being the first pro triathlete with autism after finishing the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/ Getty Images for IRONMAN) TOP| (Photo credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN) BOTTOM RIGHT | BOTTOM LEFT
A competitor rides through the beautiful red rocks of St. George as he races to complete the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Competitors bike through the rain in Snow Canyon State Park at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission . (Photo by Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
Fifth-place finisher Jackson Laundry pushes through the bike leg of the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/ Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Even with storm clouds looming, competitors did not let that stop them as they continued to race to the finish of the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Men’s professional athletes take on the bike course through the scenic red rocks of Snow Canyon in the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)

Mother-daughter duo Beth and Liza race towards the finish line to prove that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE for Team Liza at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
An age-group athlete is loose and ready to go for her 70.3-mile journey at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Two competitors race against each other in the bike leg of the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/ Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Competitors ride through the depths of Snow Canyon and take in the stunning views on their race to victory at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Age-group athletes flood the streets as they complete the two-loop run course at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Ezra Shaw/Getty Images for IRONMAN)

Gustav Iden crosses the finish line, defending his IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN) – TOP LEFT | TOP RIGHT | (Photo Credit: Patrick McDermott Getty Images for IRONMAN) – BOTTOM

Lucy Charles-Barclay crosses the finish line, winning her first world championship title at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN) – TOP LEFT | TOP RIGHT | BOTTOM
Athletes reach the final stretch of their run as they pass the M-Dot sculpture located at the roundabout on Tabernacle and Main Street in St. George, Utah, at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka


Iden (NOR) repeats as IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion with impressive 3:37:13 finish time, while Charles-Barclay (GBR) goes wire-to-wire in 4:00:20 for her first IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title after multiple second place world championship finishes in years past


ST. GEORGE, Utah (September 18, 2021) – After two-years of anticipation for a world championship event, St. George, Utah, took the global spotlight this week as fans and athletes alike witnessed the remarkable lineup of pro athletes at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. Featuring moderate temperatures, striking landscapes, and some unpredictable weather, the Land of Endurance lived up to its billing with Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR) taking the top spot for the first time as women’s world champion while Gustav Iden (NOR) defended his 2019 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title, making it two-in-a-row.

Gustav Iden defends IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title
Following his quick rise and stunning 2019 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship win as a seemingly unknown challenger, Norwegian professional Gustav Iden crossed today’s finish line with an unrivaled race that has cemented him as a force for others to catch. Coming out of the swim pack in 17th, Iden made up lost time by battling it back on the bike, passing fellow athletes early on. Even though heavy showers and hail poured down on athletes for a portion of the run, Iden remained undeterred and unstoppable, crossing the finish line in 3:37:13 at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission, nearly four minutes ahead of second place athlete Sam Long. The podium rounded out with an impressive performance by Daniel Baekkegard (DEN), who finished in 3:42:24.

Top five professional men’s results:

1 Gustav Iden (NOR) 24:54 1:58:58 1:11:32 3:37:13
2 Sam Long (USA) 25:54 2:00:48 1:12:11 3:41:09
3 Daniel Baekkegard (DEN) 23:51 2:03:00 1:13:23 3:42:24
4 Miki Taagholt (DEN) 23:54 2:03:02 1:14:00 3:43:07
5 Jackson Laundry (CAN) 24:50 2:01:54 1:14:38 3:43:24

Lucy Charles-Barclay wins first IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title
From the firing of the start cannon to the finish line tape, Lucy Charles-Barclay dominated the women’s professional field with prowess and a determination to win that wouldn’t be denied. Charles-Barclay put together a stellar race that was years in the making after one second-place IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship (2018) and three second-place IRONMAN World Championship (2017, 2018, 2019) finishes. Crossing the finish line on Main Street in 4:00:20, Charles-Barclay soaked in the roar of the crowd, leading to tears of joy as she embraced her husband, Reese, and realized her goal of an IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship title. South African Jeanni Metzler had an impressive day of her own, running her way into a second-place finish with a time of 4:08:39. Meanwhile, Taylor Knibb in only her second ever IRONMAN 70.3 finished the world championship in third just 11 seconds behind Metzler.

Top five professional women’s results:

1 Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR) 24:36 2:14:54 1:18:48 4:00:20
2 Jeanni Metzler (ZAF) 26:08 2:20:17 1:20:12 4:08:38
3 Taylor Knibb (USA) 26:05 2:18:23 1:22:18 4:08:50
4 Katrina Matthews (GBR) 28:14 2:17:43 1:22:37 4:10:45
5 Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR) 28:13 2:18:03 1:23:42 4:12:10

More than 3,500 athletes checked-in to start the days race including the impressive professional field, tackling a 1.2-mile (1.9km) swim that took place in the Sand Hollow Reservoir in Hurricane, Utah followed by a challenging 56-mile (91.3km) bike course that led athletes through stunning desert landscapes with 3,442 feet (1,049 meters) of elevation gain and an unforgettable climb into Snow Canyon State Park and surrounding Washington County. The IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship event was capped off with the two-loop, 13.1-mile (21.2km) run course through Red Hills Parkway and saw athletes finish in historic downtown St. George. In order to qualify for the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, more than 50,000 age-group athletes competed to earn slots at over 45 IRONMAN 70.3 events held worldwide.

The 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship saw athletes from over 85 countries, regions and territories compete in this world-renowned event, ranging in age from 18 to 84.

More professional race details will be available at with the broadcast of the event available on Facebook Watch via the IRONMAN Now® Channel. Full results for the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship can be found at

The next edition of the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship returns to St. George, Utah with a two-day event on October 28-29, 2022. The 2023 edition moves to Lahti, Finland on August 26-27.

For additional event information, please visit

Defending champion Gustav Iden (NOR) earns second world title at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, September 18, 2021 (Photo Credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR) earns first world title in dominating performance at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission on Saturday, Septemeber 18, 2021 (Photo Credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images for IRONMAN)
About the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship
In 2006 the inaugural IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship was held in Clearwater, Florida becoming another test for the world’s elite triathletes. Since that auspicious beginning, the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship has grown in stature and popularity moving first to Henderson, Nevada in 2011, where athletes encountered a more challenging terrain and then to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec—its first stop on the new “global rotation” for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. The event reached European soil for the first time ever in 2015, with Zell am See, Austria, hosting an epic and memorable event. In 2016, the race moved from the mountains to the beaches of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. In 2017, the race returned to the United States, taking place in Chattanooga, Tennessee where it became a two-day event for the first time. In 2018, the event reached the African continent for the first time and was hosted in Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa. Continuing the rotation, 2019 saw the French Riviera and Nice, France play host to the ever-growing IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship event. More than 200,000 athletes register to participate annually in a series of qualifying races, consisting of over 100 events in locations such as Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, North America, South Africa, and Switzerland. Hosting more than 5,000 athletes from around the world, participants in the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship have ranged in age from 18 to 85-plus. In 2021, the event takes place in the Red Rocks of St. George, Utah on September 18 in the United States and again on October 28-29, 2022, before shifting to Lahti, Finland on August 26-27, 2023. For more information, visit
About The IRONMAN Group

The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ (VR™) Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Running™ Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and The Sun-Herald City2Surf®, Ultra-Trail® World Tour events including Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events including Haute Route®, and gravel racing like Gravel Epic®, and other multisport races. The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world. Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit

About Advance 
Advance is a private, family-held business that owns and invests in companies across media, entertainment, technology, communications, education and other promising growth sectors. Our mission is to build the value of our companies over the long-term by fostering growth and innovation. Advance’s portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, Leaders Group, Turnitin, 1010data and Pop. Together these operating companies employ more than 17,000 people in 29 countries. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit. For more information visit




Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka

IRONMAN70.3 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Friday Recap ~9photos~ & New TREK



トレックのモデルチェンジが遅れていた理由の一つに「快適性」があった。同社は「IsoSpeed」など初代Madoneが誕生した時からこだわっている重要なファクターだ。シートアングルの立っているトライアスロンバイクでの難しさがあったと思うが、シート周りの造りが TTとは異なっているので期待したい。ストレージ、フューエルは確認できない(BB上にはストレージが装着)。最終的にはトライアスロン仕様としての「追加」があるはずだ。今まで以上にSUB10選手から支持されるバイクになるのではないだろうか。

このNewトレックは、プロ選手#8 Ben Kanute(USA)のバイクだ。オールアメリカンに仕上げられたバイクは、ミドルに対応したセッティングとなっている。ホイールは、フロントにこの春リリースのアイオロス新型75mm、リアはディスクホイールで、KONAでは使用できないディスクがよりスピーディかつパワフルな走りを予感させる。Ben Kanuteはコリンズカップでは総合タイム4位で、WTCSでも活躍する選手。そんな選手にとってこのバイクは最強の相棒となることだろう。他にも#102Holly Lawrence(GBR)も使用していた。


– Race week festivities for 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission continues with the IRONKIDS Fun Run and athlete bike check-in as race day looms just hours away

ST. GEORGE, Utah (September 17, 2021) – Race week for the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission continued today in St. George, Utah with the IRONKIDS Fun Run and athlete bike check-in. The Land of Endurance Daily Recap, which pays homage to this year’s IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship’s theme, concludes with a break down of the previous 24 hours as we head into race day.

In conjunction with the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission, The IRONMAN Group celebrated the next generation of athletes during the IRONKIDS Fun Run event on Friday, Sept. 17, at Town Square Park. Children from ages 3 to 17-years-old participated in either a half-mile or a 1-mile run course. The event saw a total of 300 young participants. Kids were greeted at the finish line with medals to showcase their accomplishments. Children are the future of our sport and providing an opportunity to participate in an event that uses portions of the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship run course, including the same finish line arch that will be used for Saturday, allows for this generation of young athletes to “Rise To It” just like the adults racing.

Bike Check-in
Bike, helmet, and gear check-ins took place Friday at the Sand Hollow Reservoir transition area with the race day just hours away. Excitement filled the air as athletes began to rack their bikes and set up their race day needs at their designated racks. Participants exchange discussions of projected split times, tips for dealing with fatigue, and overall expectations for the race as they put the finishing touches on their preparation for Saturday morning’s race.

Professional Field
Tomorrow’s Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission race will feature a stellar professional male and female field as they battle it out for a piece of the $350,000 USD total professional prize purse and the title of IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion.

Among the professional triathletes to toe the start will be reigning IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Daniela Ryf (CHE) who is seeking to become the first person ever to win six IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship titles. Aiming to dethrone Ryf will be Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR), Taylor Knibb (USA), Holly Lawrence (GBR), Emma Pallant-Brown (GBR), and Ellie Salthouse (AUS), and many others.

Defending IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Gustav Iden (NOR) and Tokyo 2020 Olympic Gold Medalist Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) headline star studded men’s field. Challenging them will be Sam Appleton (AUS), Ben Kanute (USA), Sam Long (USA) and Tim Reed (AUS) among a host of other strong professional male athletes.

An updated professional start list can be found HERE.

Tracking App
For live tracking, real-time results and instant tracking notifications, fan can follow both professional and age-group athletes on the IRONMAN Tracker app, available for download from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Rise To It: Race Day
2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Presented by Utah Sports Commission – On Saturday at 7:00 a.m. MST, athletes will toe the start line for the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. Professional and age group athletes will begin their 1.2-mile swim (1.93km) at the Sand Hollow Reservoir, later transitioning into a 56-mile (90.1km) bike course taking participants through St. George’s Snow Canyon. Athletes will finish off the race with a two-loop 13.1-mile (21.1km) run course.

For more information about the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission event, please visit

For more information on the IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 brands and global event series, visit

The next generation of IRONMAN athletes set the tone for the weekend as they take off from the start line of the IRONKIDS Fun Run amid a crowd of supportive fans. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
IRONKIDS finishers come across the very same finish line as the athletes for the Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
A participant of the IRONKIDS Fun Run breaks the finish line tape with smiles all around, capturing the joy of the race. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
A joyful group of IRONKIDS crosses the finish line, while another young athlete is encouraged to follow in their footsteps. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
A young finisher at the IRONKIDS Fun Run receives his medal, a thumbs-up, and a special commemorative world championship coin from Andrew Messick, President & CEO of The IRONMAN Group. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
Athletes rack their bikes and put the finishing touches on their gear as they prepare to have a seamless bike transition during the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
Bike check-in at the Sand Hollow Reservoir at the first transition area was in full swing on Friday as athletes eagerly lined up to rack their bikes ahead of the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
South African Jeanni Metzler’s bike is racked and ready for race day at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. (Photo Credit: Donald Miralle/IRONMAN)
About the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship
In 2006 the inaugural IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship was held in Clearwater, Florida becoming another test for the world’s elite triathletes. Since that auspicious beginning, the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship has grown in stature and popularity moving first to Henderson, Nevada in 2011, where athletes encountered a more challenging terrain and then to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec—its first stop on the new “global rotation” for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. The event reached European soil for the first time ever in 2015, with Zell am See, Austria, hosting an epic and memorable event. In 2016, the race moved from the mountains to the beaches of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. In 2017, the race returned to the United States, taking place in Chattanooga, Tennessee where it became a two-day event for the first time. In 2018, the event reached the African continent for the first time and was hosted in Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa. Continuing the rotation, 2019 saw the French Riviera and Nice, France play host to the ever-growing IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship event. More than 200,000 athletes register to participate annually in a series of qualifying races, consisting of over 100 events in locations such as Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, North America, South Africa, and Switzerland. Hosting more than 5,000 athletes from around the world, participants in the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship have ranged in age from 18 to 85-plus. In 2021, the event takes place in the Red Rocks of St. George, Utah on September 18 in the United States and again on October 28-29, 2022, before shifting to Lahti, Finland on August 26-27, 2023. For more information, visit
About The IRONMAN Group

The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ (VR™) Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Running™ Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and The Sun-Herald City2Surf®, Ultra-Trail® World Tour events including Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events including Haute Route®, and gravel racing like Gravel Epic®, and other multisport races. The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world. Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit

About Advance 
Advance is a private, family-held business that owns and invests in companies across media, entertainment, technology, communications, education and other promising growth sectors. Our mission is to build the value of our companies over the long-term by fostering growth and innovation. Advance’s portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, Leaders Group, Turnitin, 1010data and Pop. Together these operating companies employ more than 17,000 people in 29 countries. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit. For more information visit

Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka



– Behind-the-scenes series, “A Fighting Chance: Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission” episodes now airing on IRONMAN social channels

ST. GEORGE, Utah (September 17, 2021) — Wire-to-wire coverage of the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission will be broadcast live on Facebook Watch via the IRONMAN Now channel on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021. Beginning with morning preparation, the dynamic coverage will take viewers from race morning preparations all the way through the entire male and female professional race. The fully produced live broadcast coverage will be hosted by past champions of IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events, including Dede Griesbauer, Matt Lieto, and Michael Lovato. The broadcast begins at 6:30 a.m. MST / 8:30 a.m. EST on

Key moments from the extensive live coverage will include:

  • 6:30 a.m. – Live pre-race show begins
  • 7:00 a.m. – Race Start – Male Professionals
  • 7:10 a.m. – Race Start – Female Professionals
  • 10:25 a.m. – Estimated time for the male winner to come down Main St. of St. George and through the finishing arch
  • 11:10 a.m. – Estimated time for the female winner to come down Main St. of St. George and through the finishing arch

*All times listed MST

Extensive on-course coverage will feature multiple camera angles covering both the professional female and male races as they traverse through the stunning red rock canyons in St. George, Utah for the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission. The race features a stellar professional male and female field as they battle it out for a piece of the $350,000 USD total professional prize purse and the title of IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion.

Among the professional triathletes ready to toe the start line will include reigning IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Daniela Ryf (CHE) who seeks to become first ever to win six IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship titles. Aiming to dethrone Ryf will be Lucy Charles-Barclay (GBR), Taylor Knibb (USA), Holly Lawrence (GBR), Emma Pallant-Brown (GBR), and Ellie Salthouse (AUS) and many others.

Defending IRONMAN 70.3 World Champion Gustav Iden (NOR) and Tokyo 2020 Olympic Gold Medalist Kristian Blummenfelt (NOR) headline star studded men’s field. Challenging them will be Sam Appleton (AUS), Ben Kanute (USA), Sam Long (USA) and Tim Reed (AUS) among a host of other strong professional male athletes. The most up to date start list can be found here.

The 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission will kick off with a 1.2-mile (1.9km) ROKA Swim Course, which takes place in Sand Hollow Reservoir located in Sand Hollow State Park in Hurricane, Utah. A challenging 56-mile (91.3km) Ventum Bike Course follows and will lead athletes through stunning desert landscapes with 3,442 feet (1,049 meters) of elevation gain and an unforgettable climb into Snow Canyon State Park and surrounding Washington County. The 13.1-mile (21.2km) HOKA ONE ONE Run Course will take athletes on two loops through the stunning Red Hills Parkway and wind through historic downtown St. George where the finish line is located.

The striking Southwestern community of St. George has been a host venue for IRONMAN races since 2010. St. George’s breathtaking scenery and views of the surrounding red rock canyons have made the community an ideal destination for athletes for years. The city’s walkable downtown area features great local fare and boutique shopping while providing an unmistakable backdrop. With breathtaking Southwest America scenery, downtown St. George also delivers athlete support and a finish line like few others are able.

“A Fighting Chance”
In addition to race-day coverage, the continuation of the behind-the-scenes series “A Fighting Chance: Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission” edition will continue on IRONMAN social channels. The series takes the audience through race week, profiling nearly 20 triathletes from around the world and their journeys leading up to the Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission.

For live tracking, real-time results and instant tracking notifications, fans can follow both professional and age-group athletes on the IRONMAN Tracker app, available for download from iTunes App Store and Google Play.

For more information about the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship presented by Utah Sports Commission event, please visit

For more information on the IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 brands and global event series, visit

About the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship
In 2006 the inaugural IRONMAN® 70.3® World Championship was held in Clearwater, Florida becoming another test for the world’s elite triathletes. Since that auspicious beginning, the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship has grown in stature and popularity moving first to Henderson, Nevada in 2011, where athletes encountered a more challenging terrain and then to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec—its first stop on the new “global rotation” for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. The event reached European soil for the first time ever in 2015, with Zell am See, Austria, hosting an epic and memorable event. In 2016, the race moved from the mountains to the beaches of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. In 2017, the race returned to the United States, taking place in Chattanooga, Tennessee where it became a two-day event for the first time. In 2018, the event reached the African continent for the first time and was hosted in Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa. Continuing the rotation, 2019 saw the French Riviera and Nice, France play host to the ever-growing IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship event. More than 200,000 athletes register to participate annually in a series of qualifying races, consisting of over 100 events in locations such as Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, North America, South Africa, and Switzerland. Hosting more than 5,000 athletes from around the world, participants in the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship have ranged in age from 18 to 85-plus. In 2021, the event takes place in the Red Rocks of St. George, Utah on September 18 in the United States and again on October 28-29, 2022, before shifting to Lahti, Finland on August 26-27, 2023. For more information, visit
About The IRONMAN Group
The IRONMAN Group operates a global portfolio of events that includes the IRONMAN® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® 70.3® Triathlon Series, the IRONMAN® Virtual Racing™ (VR™) Series, 5150™ Triathlon Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll® Running Series, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Running™ Series, IRONKIDS®, World Triathlon Championship Series, premier running events including the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon™ and The Sun-Herald City2Surf®, Ultra-Trail® World Tour events including Tarawera Ultra and Ultra-Trail Australia™, mountain bike races including the Absa Cape Epic®, road cycling events including Haute Route®, and gravel racing like Gravel Epic®, and other multisport races. The IRONMAN Group is the largest operator of mass participation sports in the world and provides more than a million participants annually the benefits of endurance sports through the company’s vast offerings. Since the inception of the iconic IRONMAN® brand and its first event in 1978, athletes have proven that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE® by crossing finish lines around the world. Beginning as a single race, The IRONMAN Group has grown to become a global sensation with hundreds of events across 55+ countries. The IRONMAN Group is owned by Advance, a private, family-owned business. For more information, visit
About Advance 
Advance is a private, family-held business that owns and invests in companies across media, entertainment, technology, communications, education and other promising growth sectors. Our mission is to build the value of our companies over the long-term by fostering growth and innovation. Advance’s portfolio includes Condé Nast, Advance Local, Stage Entertainment, The IRONMAN Group, American City Business Journals, Leaders Group, Turnitin, 1010data and Pop. Together these operating companies employ more than 17,000 people in 29 countries. Advance is also among the largest shareholders in Charter Communications, Discovery and Reddit. For more information visit
Triathlon “ MONO ” Journalist     Nobutaka Otsuka